As promised a few weeks ago,
we’re finally going to get into the world of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. (I do
tend to keep my promises, but I fully admit it takes me three or four times
longer to follow through than it should. But the first step is acknowledging I
have a problem, right?)
If you read popular
magazines, watch television, or generally aren’t living under a rock, you’ve
probably heard the terms omega-3 and omega-6 fats. And you probably have some
vague idea that omega-3s are supposed to be good for us. Beyond that, if it’s
all a big mystery, keep reading.
In the interest of not making
this post a zillion words long (like I usually do…again, the first step is
admitting to the problem, yes?), I’ll stick to some pretty basic ideas about
these fats and next week I’ll get into why any of this matters for our health. Before
we get into where we find 3s and 6s in our food and what they do inside us, I
think it’s useful to figure out what the heck they are. And you know what that means…
Even though I described these
fats in part 2
of this series, I think it’s worth reviewing since our main focus today is
just these two and they might have gotten lost among all the others in previous
posts. The first thing to know is that omega-3 and omega-6 fats are both
polyunsaturated. All that means is they have more than one double bond between
carbon atoms. No big deal. (Yikes! She’s talking chemistry again. Don’t
worry…I’ll hold your hand.) They’re also both essential fatty acids.
Important point: When we use the word “essential” in the
dietary sense, it’s different from how we normally use it. It’s not essential
that I have coffee every morning in the same sense that it’s essential I
consume omega-3s and 6s. I might be able to survive without coffee—although it
would be ugly, I assure you. REALLY UGLY. But I can not get omega 3s and 6s any other way
than by eating them. And I need them. We, as a species, need them. Homo sapiens has a dietary requirement for
![]() |
If you value your life, don’t attempt morning conversation
with me until I’ve had some coffee. |
When we say something is
“essential” in our diet, we don’t just need them in our bodies. We “need”
glucose, but we can make glucose from
lots of other things, so we don’t actually have
to eat any (contrary to what you might be used to hearing about “needing to
eat carbs for energy”). On the other hand, omega-3s and 6s are essential in our diets because we can not make them from something else. To be
specific, we need one kind of 3 and one kind of 6 – the “parent” essential
fatty acids. I said in part 6 of this
series that the human body is the ultimate reuse and recycle machine: it’s great
at converting stuff into other stuff. Two of the things it’s good at converting
are these “parent” omega-3 and 6 fats into other types of 3s and 6s, each of
which has different functions inside our bodies. So there are some kinds of 3s
and 6s we don’t need to consume directly, but only if we get enough of the parent ones. And even though we
usually hear about 3s being good for us and 6s being bad, the truth is they’re both essential. (More on all this next
Whew. It’s getting a little
stuffy in here, eh? Time for some pictures.
This is what an omega-3 looks
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This is alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA – the parent omega-3. |
It’s called omega-3 because
the first double bond (the red thing) happens on the 3rd carbon from
the methyl end of the molecule (the green thing). Seriously, don’t get skeered.
You don’t have to master the science (or even understand it all that well) to
learn some important things here.
This is what an omega-6 looks
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This is linoleic acid, the parent omega-6.
Not surprisingly, this one is
called omega-6 because the first double bond (still the red thing) happens on
the 6th carbon from the methyl end (still the green thing). There are also omega-7 and
omega-9 fats, but let’s tackle one huge thing at a time, shall we? (Nifty
factoid before we table 7s and 9s for some other time: oleic acid, the main
monounsaturated fat in olive oil, is an omega-9.)
Okay. So what?
Well, like I said, omega-3
and omega-6 fats are both essential fatty
acids, and there are lots of different kinds
of 3s and 6s. We can eat some of these different kinds pre-formed in foods
(like in eggs and fish), or we can eat those “parent” fats (like in walnuts or soy oil) and hope that our
bodies will convert them into all the other ones down the line. Our bodies can make certain 3s and 6s inside us, but only if we give them these parent
fats (and it’s these—the starting materials—that are “essential”). It’s like
making a home library with a really nice desk and bookshelves made of wood. You can
only make the desk and shelves if you’ve got the wood to make them from, right? So step one is getting the
right wood (fats). Step two is crafting the wood into furniture, but the thing
is, some of us are better carpenters than others. That is, some people’s bodies
are better than others’ at converting the parent fats into the other 3s and 6s.
Head spinning yet? Don’t
worry. It’s actually not that complicated.
Let’s start with ALA—alpha -linolenic
acid—the parent omega-3. Have you ever heard of fish oil? Fish oil is very rich
in two kinds of omega-3 fat: EPA and
DHA. (Since I don’t want to scare you off, I’ll just say that if you want to
know what those letters stand for, check them out on Wikipedia, or here.)
Obviously, we can get EPA and DHA by
taking fish oil supplements or by my preferred method—just eating fish. But we
can also make EPA and DHA from ALA. It’s a pretty long, complex
process, though—like making that beautiful desk out of a plain ol’ pile of
wood. Lots of steps along the way and lots of places for things to go wrong if
you failed carpentry 101.
In the same way, we can get
certain kinds of omega-6 fats by eating foods they’re found in, or our bodies
can make them if we eat some LA—linoleic acid, the parent omega-6. But just
like with the 3s, the conversion process is full of places for things to get
screwy, and even a master carpenter is gonna face some pitfalls.
Check out this graphic,
ripped off lovingly from this
article, which gives some pretty awesome info about the whys and wherefores
of 3s and 6s for those of you who want some hard-hitting nutritional info and
can’t wait until next week.
![]() |
I wasn't kidding about the conversions having lots of steps!! |
Not only is the process
pretty complicated, but most of the steps require the same tools whether our
bodies are making omega-3s or omega-6s. Kind of like the desk and
bookshelves: we’re making two different
things, but we’ll need saws, sanders, files, hammers, and nails to make both,
right? That’s how making 3s and 6s work. In order to make different kinds of 3s
and 6s from the parent fats, our bodies use the same tools. This is a very important point. (You
can tell because I made it bold, hehheh.) See, if both paths need the same
tools, there’s gonna be competition. (Like when you and your kid sister fight
over the last Oreo. You both want it, but only one of you is gonna get it.
Sharing? HA! Not an option when it comes to cookies.)
So if the parent 6 and the
parent 3 are competing for the same tools (in our bodies, they’re called
enzymes…remember high school biology?), who’s gonna win? Well, it’s mostly a
numbers game. The more 6s you have coming in, the more those 6s will crowd out
the 3s, and vice-versa. In the graphic, you can see where the fats compete for enzymes
(circled in red). We'll come back to this next week. It's important stuff.
And remember—I said some of
us are better carpenters than others. Some people will be pretty good at making
desks and bookshelves, and some will end up sitting among the stacks of
two-by-fours, crying and feeling useless. There are two main reasons for this.
Better genetics, maybe? Were your parents good carpenters? HA! Actually, this might have a fair bit to
do with it, but let’s start with the more obvious hiccup in the system first. See the yellow
circles in the graphic above? Some of the enzymes used in the conversion of ALA
and LA to other omega 3 and 6 fats require certain vitamins and minerals. To be
specific, we need B6 and biotin.
Okay, so what’s the issue
there? Well, we might not have enough B6 or biotin coming in. We could not be
consuming enough foods that contain them, or we might have other processes
going on in our bodies that also
require B6 and biotin. (Our bodies are resourceful; they very rarely use a
vitamin or mineral for just one thing. Kind of like Alton Brown’s
philosophy on cooking gadgets in his kitchen: no uni-taskers allowed! Everything ought to
have more than one purpose to justify its presence, and when it comes to
getting jobs done inside our bodies, nutrients are prime examples of multitasking.) And let’s not forget that
sometimes prescription drugs interact with nutrient absorption: for example, birth control pills are known to deplete B vitamins.
So dietary factors can affect
how well we convert those parent 3s and 6s into all the other ones down the
line. Health status can also play a role. People with diabetes, hypertension,
and/or metabolic syndrome tend to be
poor converters. And what about those genetic factors? Let’s think about it
logically: Say you have Pacific Islander
ancestry. It stands to reason your genes “expect” you to consume a lot of fish,
so you wouldn’t have had to produce a
lot of the enzymes that convert ALA into EPA and DHA. But if you’re from
genetic stock of people who lived far inland, or in a mountainous place, maybe
you produce more of those enzymes because you weren’t getting as much of the
finished product from your diet. (Your ancestors were more accustomed to
getting ALA from walnuts, for example, instead of a lot of pre-formed EPA and
DHA from marine foods. My reasoning here is similar to the theory behind the prevalence
of lactose intolerance among Asian populations:
historically, Asians weren’t dairying people, so they lose the ability
to digest lactose after weaning from mother’s milk. Our bodies are pretty
efficient machines. They’re not gonna waste a lot of energy making things they
don’t need…or don’t expect to need.)
The other factor here is that
humans, in general, are just not all that good at converting the parent fats
into the various intermediates and end products. Human nutritional evolution
might have conditioned our bodies to “expect” to get the different fats along
the way directly from our diets, regardless of where we were living, to the
point that none of us is a rock star
when it comes to turning fats from almonds and vegetables into fats we can more
easily get from eggs, fish, and organ meats.
Let’s get back to the
competition idea, ‘cuz if you ask me, this
is where things really get interesting. The more omega-6 we eat (specifically,
linoleic acid, the parent 6), the more it will crowd out the omega-3
alpha-linolenic acid for use of the same enzymes. And remember:
fats aren’t just these “things” that make our food delicious. We need
them to build things inside our bodies (like cell
membranes), and we also need them to make what we call signaling
molecules—kind of like hormones…they send our bodies messages.
What kind of
messages do they send? And why is the competition between 3s and 6s for those handy-dandy enzymes such a big deal? And how is all of this related to the one thing most of
us care about—our FOOD? Tune in next week. This whole business of
3s and 6s is a long story, so I’ll spare you the eye-strain and break it up
into a few more parts.
Off the record: Okay, look. I know I’m pretty bad at keeping
things short and sweet. All I really want to do is make clear what we should
eat and what we shouldn’t eat. But I
don’t want to just make lists of “good foods” and “bad foods,” or say that you
can each as much x, y, and z as you want, but you should limit intake of a, b,
and c. I think it’s important to explain why.
WHY should we limit some
things and not worry so much about others? So that’s what I’m trying to
accomplish with this series on fats. I want to get to the good stuff just as
much as you do (all three of you…I may have lost someone last week, hehheh).
But I feel like it’s irresponsible of me to trash-talk cottonseed oil and
praise butter if we don’t even know what those things are on a chemical level, or to say we should eat certain foods and
avoid others without knowing what they do inside us because of their chemistry.
So I’m sorry things have to get
a little technical (and long-winded) now and then, but I think we need to lay
the foundation before we put the house up, y’know? All I know is, designing a
nutritious, health-promoting diet is actually pretty easy when you understand
how the human body works, and that’s what I’m trying to share with you. When we
stick to the facts, we can tune out the TV pundits, the supermarket tabloids,
and our Aunt Gussie, who lost 30 pounds by drinking shakes for a month but will
gain back 40 next month.
When we know what food is
and what it does inside us, knowing what to eat and what to stay away from
is…Not Rocket Science.
*Amy Berger, M.S., is not a
licensed physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a medical service. The
information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or
prevent any medical condition.
Biochemistry makes everything more interesting! I feel like I wrote your list 'People and Sites I Love'. Great post!