everyone! Another seven days have gone by, and you know what that means: a new
food label to look at and start the work week with a laugh—or possibly a cry,
depending on how much this stuff either amuses or bothers you. Today’s labels
are such egregious examples of wacky marketing that we don’t even have to look
at the list of ingredients. The manufacturers have saved us the trouble of going
to that extra step by kindly putting all the ridiculousness right out front and
center. So here goes.
Take a
good look at this milk carton. I mean a really good look. Read all of it.
anything odd? Anything off? Anything totally and completely wacko?
If you
did, congratulations. You will not be taken in by slick marketing. If you didn’t,
don’t feel bad. The creators of that slick marketing are counting on the
average consumer to be either stupid or ignorant and not understand that they (the
marketers) are masters of playing both sides of the coin, speaking out of both
sides of their mouth, and whatever other phrases exist that basically mean
these people are trying to have their cake and eat it, too.
do I mean? Simple. See, in very large bolded type, this carton proudly boasts
that the milk inside has been fortified with DHA. But then right below that, in
all caps, it also proudly boasts that
the product inside is FAT FREE MILK. (I'll stick with their ALL CAPS, hehheh.) Do you see where I’m going with this? DHA,
in case you didn’t know, stands for docosahexaenoic acid. It is an omega-3 fatty acid. Yes, folks, this “FAT FREE
MILK” contains fat! Am I the only one who thinks this package is hilarious?

before the biochem and physiology police come knocking on my door, I must
acknowledge that the human requirement for DHA is very low, so it's not like we should expect something to contain, say, 3 or 4 grams of DHA. There’s a lot of
buzz these days about the importance of omega-3 fats in our diet, but the truth is we need
very little of them. That we hear so much about them and that they’re starting
to show up in all kinds of products that they don’t naturally occur in is
largely the result of two things: First, the reason why it’s important to
increase our intake of omega-3s is because we consume so darn much omega-6. (Mostly via all those “vegetable oils” that
come from grains and legumes, like corn, soy, and cottonseed.) Both 3 and 6 are “essential” – that means we must
get them from our diet because our bodies can’t make them from other
substances. So we don’t want to completely eliminate 6 from our diet, but
evidence suggests we should be consuming far less of it than we are in the 21st
Century. Depending on the source you cite, what we call the “standard American
diet” (SAD for short, hehheh)—heavy in refined grains and vegetable oils and low
in wild-caught cold water fish and grassfed meats—contains anywhere from 10 to 25 times as much omega-6 as omega-3, when anthropological evidence seems to suggest
that our bodies evolved to function best when that ratio is more like 1-3 times
as much 6 as 3, and certainly no more than 4 or 5 times as much. So the reason
we’re hearing a lot about increasing our intake of omega-3s is mostly to
correct that ratio—to bring it back in line. (This is not necessarily good
advice. Yes, we’d all do well to bring that ratio back in line, but the more effective way to do this is by greatly reducing the amount of omega-6 we consume, rather than megadosing ourselves with 3. Like I said, we need these
fats in very small amounts. So instead of increasing the total amount by
loading up on 3, we can better restore the proper balance by cutting way back on 6, mostly by eschewing commercial
brands of salad dressing, mayonnaise, non-dairy coffee creamers, and fried
foods in restaurants. Not to mention cereal, fiber bars, microwave “entrees”
and just about everything else that comes in a box or bag with a list of
ingredients longer than War and Peace.)
second reason they’re fortifying things with omega-3s is because naturally occurring omega-3s have largely disappeared from our food supply. Beef and rendered fat from pastured ruminant animals (that is,
animals grazing on grass the way nature intended) contain higher amounts of
omega-3 fats than the same products from grain-fed animals, which is what the
vast majority of Americans are eating. The same goes for wild-caught fish and farm-raised
fish. Fish consuming their natural, species-appropriate diets of krill,
seaweed, and other marine life end up with larger amounts of omega-3 fats than
fish raised in aquaculture “farms,” where they’re often fed corn and soy
pellets. (Please, someone tell me, in what possible scenario could fish possibly
have been adapted to consume corn and soybeans? Tangent: next time you’re at
the supermarket, check out a package of farm-raised salmon and see if the
package says something about “color added.” This is a sure sign that the salmon
isn’t nice and pink because of all the krill it consumed and therefore all the omega-3 it contains, but because of
synthetic colorings that have been added to make it look more nutritious.)
that’s enough about omega-3. Let’s take a look at another thing that makes me
scratch my head when I look at this milk carton. Scroll back up and look below where it says “Supports Brain Health.” (Why are those all
capitalized? Maybe their art department employees need more DHA for their brain health. HA!) Do you see it says 0%? Maybe I’m
crazy, but to me, it kind of looks like it says 0% organic. Am I right? I know
they mean 0% fat, but the way it’s
laid out, it looks more like 0% organic. I’m just sayin’.
Before we're done here, let's go over one more thing. Remember that this is FAT FREE MILK. You'll notice that the carton also tells us it has vitamins A and D added (as does just about every milk you'll see on a store shelf). Well, that's kinda funny, because vitamins A and D (along with E and K) are fat-soluble. This means (among other things) that these vitamins are best absorbed when consumed with fat! As in, the natural dairy fat the milk contained before they removed it to make it FAT FREE. So if you were planning to pour this milk over a bowl of your favorite fat-free cereal, I sure hope you spread a nice, thick layer of butter or cream cheese on the fat-free bread you're toasting to go along with it. More marketing wizardry to an ignorant and unsuspecting public: boasting that they've fortified a fat-free product with vitamins that require fat for proper absorption and assimilation. I've gotta hand it to them. (Note: beta-carotene, the plant precursor to true vitamin A, is also fat-soluble. This is why it's a good idea to add a pat of butter to your sweet potato -- not only does it taste better that way, but you're actually helping your body use those carotenes. Same thing for butternut squash, carrots, or pretty much any orange/green/yellow vegetable -- they all contain carotenes, and all are best taken with a little bit of fat. So yes, eat your vegetables, but I bet more little kids would want to eat them if their moms were also saying to put some butter or coconut oil on top!)
just for good measure, here are a couple more examples from another brand, so
we can see it’s not just Horizon that’s playing us for fools. Stonyfield is up
to the same antics:
“Organic Reduced Fat Milk and Omega-3s,” and “Organic
Chocolate Low Fat Milk and Omega-3s.” So here again, we have reduced fat and
low fat milks that proudly advertise their fat content. Talk about having it
both ways. (But at least these aren’t “fat free,” so they’re not quite as ridiculous as the Horizon
carton. Still ridiculous, just not to the same degree.)
That’s it for today. I’ll leave you with one thought:
We’re smarter than this.
I’m not completely against omega-3 supplementation. I do think it can be
appropriate to give higher doses of omega-3 supplements for a short time as a therapeutic intervention
to correct the 3/6 imbalance, especially if someone is dealing with an
inflammatory condition, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, to give just two
examples. After a short period of
higher doses, it’s probably best to gradually reduce the 3 and maintain a good
3/6 ratio the natural way, by consuming a diet of whole, unprocessed foods and
paying particular attention to the sources and quality of fats. (Omega-3 fats are very fragile and if someone’s going to use them to truly benefit
their health, I recommend getting them from a reputable source, where they’ve
been processed and stored in ways that minimize damage. I’m not so sure the
ginormous economy-sized tub from your local warehouse store is the best way to
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
I just found your blog after Googling beef shanks. Haha! I've read several of your posts today, I will be following you from now on. I'm on a personal mission to learn about both food/cooking and nutrition so your blog is right up my alley. This post in particular is funny because I have a sister in law who is obsessed with "healthy eating." She only buys organic labelled foods without realising that there are so many loopholes to securing a stamp of organic approval that there is hardly a difference, let alone the fact that most of the organic "health" food she is buying is still processed and packaged garbage. What I've wondered is how does Horizon get their delicious healthy organic milk to be shelf stable as well?
ReplyDeleteGlad you found me. If you liked this one, you'll really get a kick out of this one: http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2014/02/label-monday-halos1.html "Organic" -- so what? Organic junk is STILL JUNK. ;-)