All right, dear readers, be honest with me: am I the only person who thinks these things are totally, completely, and utterly ridiculous?
convenient. I get that. And as long as you have access to just one 100-calorie
pack, they take willpower
out of the equation. I get that, too.
not saying the concept is ridiculous,
just the way it’s executed.
infuriation over these things is fourfold:
- They’re wasteful.
- They’re expen$ive. (No, really, like crazy expensive.)
- They assume we consumers are too lazy or too stupid to divvy out reasonable portions on our own. (Unfortunately, I think they may be on to something here, but in my heart of hearts, I’d like to give the American public more credit than that, and I’m not the only one.)
- They’re just plain ridiculous.
start with point number one: These things generate an inordinate amount of landfill fodder.
packs are packaging nightmares. They’re all the same: a box or bag filled with
lots of little boxes or bags. Are you
kidding me? Couldn’t you just buy a big package of whatever the item is, and
portion it out yourself into a smaller, reusable container? Most of the items offered in
100-calorie packs are not food safety hazards. They tend to be dry and
non-messy. They’re usually cookies, crackers, pretzels, and the like. We’re not
talking dairy or raw poultry, folks. So why couldn’t someone portion out one
serving into, say, a glass or plastic container—one that they can reuse without even washing it until damn near
the end of time? They could even use a zip-top plastic bag and reuse that a bunch of times, right? Like I
said, we’re talking about foods that are not going to get messy or leave behind
food-borne pathogens. There is no
reason to put snack foods into a zip-top bag and throw the bag out every day
after lunch when you're just going to put the same snack food into a new bag the next day and proceed to throw that one out, too. Why not reuse that bag until it’s no longer usable?
I’m no
tree-hugger, and I’m not super-crunchy. (For example, I shave my underarms
regularly and there isn’t even one
pair of Birkenstocks in my shoe collection.) I’m not about to camp out high in
a tree to protest logging activities, but I do
try not to create unnecessary waste. I go out of my way to reuse and recycle. I don’t throw cigarette butts, empty water
bottles, and gum wrappers out my car window while speeding down the highway.
(This could be because I don’t smoke, rarely chew gum, and almost never buy
bottled water, but MY POINT IS, I have to live on this planet, along with a few
billion other people, and we’re going to pass it along to our collective
children and grandchildren, so we might as well not crap up the place so much.)
you take 53 seconds after dinner to portion out a small amount of whatever the
item is and drop that into a reusable container for your snack the next day? Could you not buy a bag that has lots of other bags inside it, all of which
will end up in a landfill somewhere? (Maybe I'm extra sensitive to this issue because I was born and raised in Staten Island, NY, home to the Fresh Kills Landfill, formerly the world's largest garbage dump.)
on to point number two:
things are ridiculously expensive. They always—always—cost more than the normal package of whatever it is. Let’s check
out some examples:

Maybe that doesn’t sound like much, but if we look at it in terms of
price per pound, a difference of 19.2 cents would mean a difference of $3.07
for 16 ounces of this product. Now let’s see the gulf of difference created by
the sale price of the regular
package. 2 for $6, so $3 per package, or approximately 23.1 cents per ounce.
23.1 cents per ounce versus 51.4 cents per ounce. That’s a difference of 28.3
cents an ounce, or $4.53 per pound. Bottom line: when you get suckered into
these ridiculous 100-calorie packs, you are paying $4.53 per pound more than
you would if you just bought the regular package and divvied out a couple of
cookies ahead of time. (Into your reusable container, of course.)
the same story for Cheez-Its:

Regular package (right): 7 ounces for the regular price
of $2.99 or the sale price of $2.50, so 42.7 cents/oz at the regular price, and
35.7 cents/oz at the sale price. Comparing this to the 100-calorie packs, at
the regular price, the normal package is 32.9 cents/oz cheaper, and at the sale
price, it’s 39.9/oz cents cheaper. (That’s a difference of $5.26 and $6.38 per
pound, respectively.)
You are being
totally and completely swindled if you buy these 100-calorie packs. But hey, if you like handing over extra money, and you
have dollar bills to burn, be my guest. Who am I to judge how you like to spend
the mountains and mountains of extra cash you have lying around? (However, if
you’re looking for suggestions, I’ve never been to Greece or Italy, and if you
are of a mind to purchase airfare and lodging for a kind stranger, I’d be happy
to send you my address. Whee!)
couldn’t you just buy the normal box of Cheez-Its and portion them out into your own cute lil’ reusable baggie or container?
I know
I’ve made my point, but I can’t help giving just one more example. This time,
let’s look at a higher-ticket item: almonds.

package (right): $8.99/pound. (This package happens to be 16oz.) That, my friends, is a
difference of $6.97. If you want to
spend almost seven extra dollars to have your almonds pre-portioned into cutesie
little bags, have at it. Honestly, I’m not here to tell you how to spend your
copious amounts of disposable income. I just think you should know that if you’re
spending it on these dumbass crazy things, you are quite literally disposing of it, as in, throwing it in
the garbage. (And really, isn’t me sipping homemade wine and sampling olive oil
from a 150-year old grove on Crete or in Tuscany a much better use of that money? I’m just saying…)
If you
have money to burn, and you want to
spend several extra dollars per pound on this stuff, go right ahead. I’m sure
Blue Diamond, Keebler, Sunshine, and Nabisco’s CEOs are very grateful for your continued
support. (I’m also sure you sleep better knowing their snot-nosed kids are
driving around in Maseratis and summering at the French Riviera, thanks to your
generosity. Have fun riding the bus to work tomorrow, suckazzz!)
Let’s move on to point number 3: laziness and stupidity
is no limit to the depths of human laziness. I get that. And I also get that
sometimes it’s worth whatever extra you have to pay in order to not have to take forty-two seconds out
of your busy day to portion out your snacks into a smaller bag. But really? Really? Honestly and truly? This is what
it’s come to? My amazement at people’s reliance on these things is probably
just the result of points 1 and 2. With the completely
unnecessary amount of extra waste these things generate, and the extra
money they cost, I guess I just find it hard to believe people buy them.
But in
all fairness, I have to acknowledge that I am single, childless, and have a
fair amount of free time. I would have no problem carving out that extra
forty-two seconds from my day. I don’t have three toddlers all under 6 years
old clamoring for my attention and grabbing at the hem of my pants every time I
try to throw back a shot cook breakfast or throw in a load of laundry. And I don’t
arrive home at 10pm, exhausted from the demands of my $175,000/year job. So
okay, maybe I’m not the best person to criticize wonder about the types
of people who buy these things, thereby ensuring their continued production.
So there are people whose lives are
made just a tiny bit more convenient with these. Fine. With that in mind, let’s move
beyond the convenience issue and focus on point number 4, the utter
ridiculousness of these 100-calorie packs.
you ever stop to think about what kinds
of foods typically come in 100-calorie packs? You never see 100-calorie packs
of cucumbers, do you? Or spinach? Eggplant? How about pork, or lamb? Nein, and nyet. With the exception of nuts, 100-calorie packs are almost
always junkfoods—specifically, junkfoods that
are designed to have a shelf life of approximately 87,000 years, preserved as
they are with things like BHT
and TBHQ, which
are included to protect the partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oils
from going rancid before the next ice age. Bottom line: these are foods you don’t
really want to be eating any of, although I suppose 100 calories’ worth
is better than, say, half a box, which I may or may not have some past
experience with. (Confession: Cheez-Its were a major favorite in my pre-low-carb
anyway, yes, these 100 calorie packs are almost always sugar-coated grains with a nice hit of vegetable oil. And they’re portioned the way
they are for a reason: sugar-coated grains doused in vegetable oil are
addictive and darn near impossible to stop eating long after you hit 100
calories. And even though the entire notion of “calories” is pretty suspect, I understand the importance
of portion control. I get it. I
really do. I’ve sat on the couch, in front of the TV, or with a book in my
hand, and a bag of shelled walnuts or dark chocolate chips on the table, only
to wonder an hour later who ate half the bag. (I could say the same for a jar of peanut
butter.) If all I had available to me
was 100 calories’ worth, then all I could’ve consumed is 100 calories’ worth.
If you
bring a 100-calorie pack with you to work as a snack, then all you have access
to is 100 calories. (Except for the zillions of calories available to you from
the vending machine or office snack bar.) But like I said when I was talking
about the waste issue, you can just buy one big package of whatever it is,
portion them out yourself ahead of time, and achieve the same effect.
I can’t
rag too much on the fact that these “foods”
are mostly junk. After all, that’s why
they’re in 100-calorie packs to begin with. No one (that I know of, anyway) has
portion control issues with radishes, or tomatoes, or collard greens. (Okay,
maybe I some of us have portion problems when those collards are cooked
long, low, & slow with bacon and/or a ham
hock, but you know what I’m getting at.) The things that come in 100-calorie packs are treats. Things that most of
us have a very hard time walking away from once we hit a reasonable portion.
just for comparison’s sake, let’s check out the amounts of some real, whole
foods you could eat for that same 100 calories:
450g (.992 pounds – almost a full pound!)
280g (.617 pound – over half a pound!
That is a lot of broccoli!)
250g (.551 pounds – over half a pound!)
cheese 100g (.22 pounds – over a fifth of a pound!)
1½ large
cheese: 1oz
Raspberries: 6.67oz (.417 pound – almost half a pound!)
cheese: 1oz
And of
the foods on the list above, the only two that stand a chance of spiking the
ol’ blood glucose are the carrots and the raspberries, and they sure ain’t
gonna spike it much. And, of course, all the foods listed above would come with
nutrients that are woefully absent from 100 calories of cookies, crackers, and
![]() |
We’re delicious.
Don't run away.
now, one last thing:
100-calorie packs are the food
manufacturers’ Jedi mind trick. Skywalker and Solo had nothing on these people!
Why do
I say this? Well, let’s look at what 100 calories actually gets you with some
of these foods. 100 calories nets you a whopping 0.77 ounces of Cheez-Its. 0.77
ounces! Not even one ounce of food! In
terms of curbing your hunger, you might as well not even eat this at all. Swallow a few breaths of air and you’ll probably feel fuller than you would after
eating a pack of these. And the Chips Ahoy? 0.81 ounces. Also less than a single ounce of food. And take a look
at the appearance of the Chips Ahoy!
and Oreos. The ones in the 100-calorie packs look different than the regular ones. Know why? They have to make them miniature so you feel
like you’re eating a lot of little cookies. They trick you into thinking
you get to eat lots of cookies because the truth is, 100 calories would not even get
you two whole Chips Ahoy! or Oreo cookies. Check out the labels on the
regular packages:
If 3
Chips Ahoy! cookies come in at 160 calories, that means they’re 53.33 calories
per cookie. And at 53.33 calories per cookie, you would be at 100 calories
before you even finished a second cookie!
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deal with the Oreos. They make these weird, flat, devoid-of-cream Oreo impostors
because the normal Oreos have the same calories as the Chips Ahoy: 53.33 per
cookie, which means you couldn’t even consume two Oreos before reaching your 100-calorie limit.
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See? They’re not even real Oreos.
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Regular Oreos label
100-calorie packs make you think you’re
getting a lot of cookies, when what you’re actually getting is ripped off
and insulted a teeny, tiny amount of food that will most likely only leave
you wanting more. (More cookies, that
is; not more broccoli or more radicchio.) It only looks like you get more cookies. Because they make these mini cookies, you’re fooled into
thinking there's a decent amount there because you get to eat 10-15 cookies
instead of 1.875 (100 calories’ worth of the regular size cookies). See? I told
you these were some serious head games. (Kind of like when they tell you to
use a smaller plate to trick yourself into eating less at dinner. Um, I’ve tried that,
and I ended up going back for seconds, so unless you find me a small plate and also incapacitate me so I can’t get up
and get myself another helping, that is a dumb not especially effective
out there, please tell me you hate these 100-calorie crime sprees as much as I
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
I'm shocked that no one has commented on this post. I've complained about these for years... for pretty much the exact same reasons. I love your humor and judicious use of strikethrough... Enjoying this muchly!
ReplyDeleteYou have outdone yourself this time. It is probably the best, most short step by step guide that I have ever seen. Best Label Maker
ReplyDeleteBegone, bot!