“The ability to sustain an enhanced glycolytic rate represents one of the most consistent and profound biochemical phenotypes of many cancer cells.”
-Mathupala et al, 1997.
Through the previous posts in this series, we have woven a path through an introduction to the metabolic origins theory of cancer, some basic facts about cancer cells, cellular energy generation, mitochondrial structure & function, and potential causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. We have also established that there is a large degree of mitochondrial abnormality in cancer cells. We ended things last time by saying that we would explore cancer's next two most striking calling cards. So here we go. More of the metabolic hallmarks of cancer cells. (And finally, you will start to see why all my blabbing on and on about glycolysis and the Krebs cycle were necessary. I promise!)
we get into things today, I’d like to thank anyone who’s still along for the
ride. I genuinely believe the metabolic theory of cancer holds an incredible amount of promise, and I consider it a privilege
to be able to share with you my understanding—however rudimentary—of the
science involved. It has occurred to me that, for the purpose of this series, my
blog has become a free course in biochem & physiology, rather than
the popular stuff with sensationalist, attention-grabbing headlines about adrenal fatigue, digestion, and women’s
hormones. I may be getting far fewer page hits than the big boys and various
“gurus” out there, but I sincerely think this could be life-saving information.
(And frankly, between you and me…just us friends here…I’m kinda tired of all
that adrenal/thyroid/digestion stuff, even if I do find it fascinating most of the time.) Based on the number of page hits, not too many folks are interested in this deep dive into the metabolic origins of cancer. Oh well. Their loss. I like writing about this, and I know there are at least one or two of you out there who value it, so I'll keep going. (And I will try not to be discouraged that other people's posts about “Paleo chocolate chip banana bread” and such generate more buzz than this supremely critical information.)
So to anyone out there who’s still with me, thank you. I hope you continue to find it worth your time.
Recall that we’ve discussed two primary pathways for the creation of cellular energy (ATP). The first, glycolysis, is a relatively inefficient pathway that generates a net of just 2 ATP per molecule of glucose metabolized. Glycolysis does not require oxygen, and it takes place in a cell’s cytoplasm. The second pathway, cellular respiration (also called oxidative phosphorylation, or OxPhos), generates around 36 ATP per molecule of glucose metabolized, making it a much more efficient pathway. (“Efficient” doesn't necessarily mean it’s better; it just means that we end up with way more energy from the very same amount of starting material. I guess maybe that does make it “better,” but really, both pathways are necessary for human life.)
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all about energy!
covered the critical connection between mitochondrial structure and function.
Today, let’s look at what happens when—for whatever reasons—mitochondria fail
to perform their critical OxPhos function. (And make no mistake, there are many reasons why this might happen.
We’ve looked at one in detail—excessive production of reactive oxygen species [“free radicals”], and we took
a more general look at other things that can potentially mess with
mitochondrial function. We'll cover a few more down the line, when we get to potential causes of cancer.)
Recall from the first post on cellular energy generation that glycolysis converts glucose to pyruvate. When a cell has HEALTHY, FUNCTIONAL MITOCHONDRIA, the next step is that inside the mitochondria, the pyruvate will be converted to acetyl CoA, which will then enter the big, scary Krebs cycle, where it will end up generating eighteen times as much ATP as was generated through that measly, inefficient glycolysis. Okay, great. Awesome. There’s no debating that the vast majority of ATP produced in the body gets produced inside the mitochondria.
what happens when a cell DOESN'T have healthy, functional mitochondria? What if, for some
reason(s), there are too few mitochondria? Or maybe there are plenty, but they’re damaged somehow.
Both of these situations would lead to a shortage of ATP, right? When your
generators are on the fritz, or there aren’t enough of them, you don’t get
enough power, right?
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This is the best I could do for
“hail Mary-type play.”
(And we've gotta have some graphics,
or this post will be BORING.)
amounts to an “energy crisis” inside the cell. And nature—wily lil’ thing that
it is—never has a single point of failure. There’s always a backup plan. Some kind
of failsafe. A last-ditch, Hail Mary-type play that it saves for the very last
seconds of the game before the buzzer sounds.
Instead of the cell dying from lack of ATP, the backup plan kicks in. And in the case of a cell that cannot generate any appreciable amount of energy through OxPhos, the backup plan is to revert to good ol’ glycolysis. But remember: glycolysis is inefficient. It generates very little ATP. So in order to make up for all the ATP that is not being generated by legions of mitochondria like it’s supposed to be, the cell has to engage in way more glycolysis than normal.
Instead of the cell dying from lack of ATP, the backup plan kicks in. And in the case of a cell that cannot generate any appreciable amount of energy through OxPhos, the backup plan is to revert to good ol’ glycolysis. But remember: glycolysis is inefficient. It generates very little ATP. So in order to make up for all the ATP that is not being generated by legions of mitochondria like it’s supposed to be, the cell has to engage in way more glycolysis than normal.
Recall what Dr. Seyfried said:
- “Mitochondrial function or OxPhos sufficiency cannot be normal in tumor cells that contain few if any mitochondria. Glycolysis and lactate fermentation would need to be upregulated in these tumor cells in order to compensate for the absence of OxPhos.”
- “An upregulation of glycolytic genes would be needed to facilitate compensatory energy production through glycolysis when cellular respiration is deficient for protracted periods.”
And according to other researchers:
- “One of the most prominent and universal metabolic alterations seen in cancer cells is an increase in the rate of glycolytic metabolism even in the presence of oxygen.”
And we know why, right? In order to keep up with its energy demands, and because its mitochondria are broken and can’t effectively metabolize fats or ketones, the cell requires enormous amounts of the only fuel substrate it can metabolize effectively: glucose. (*Ding, ding!* This is likely one of the reasons tumors create their own blood supply—in order to make sure they get all the glucose they need, they divert it to themselves, at the expense of other tissue in the body. Recall from a post a while back, this is angiogenesis.)
is an enzyme that converts glucose into something called glucose-6-phosphate.
This is the very first step of glycolysis. The name “hexokinase” comes from the
biochemical reaction this enzyme performs. It adds a phosphate group (PO3) to
glucose, which is a sugar molecule that has 6 carbon atoms. The general term
for any 6-carbon sugar is “hexose”—hex for six, and we know things that end
in “-ose” are sugars (for example, sucrose, lactose, and fructose). The “kinase”
part of the word comes from the Greek kinesis, for “movement,” as in kinesthetics and kinesiology. So we can think of a kinase as “moving” a phosphate group from one molecule to another. You DO NOT need
to know this to understand the metabolic theory of cancer. I’m just a word nerd
and I like learning where the names come from. (Plus, knowing the etymology
lets us know what something does even if we don’t know the chemistry. For
example, a phosphatase enzyme removes a phosphate group. A hydrogenase
adds hydrogen atoms.)
Here's what the reaction looks like:
Notice that the phosphate group being added to glucose comes from ATP. (ATP has 3 phosphate groups. [ATP stands for adenosine TRI-phosphate], and the kinase enzyme breaks one of them off, leaving ADP [adenosine DI-phosphate -- 2 phosphates], and slapping that third phosphate group onto the glucose molecule. This is important. We will come back to it in a bit. Don't worry if you're not crystal clear on what's going on just yet. For now, just know that the chemical reactions of glycolysis are actually powered by ATP to start. They consume 2 ATP, so even though the process creates a total of 4 ATP, the net yield of glycolysis is 2 ATP. The key thing to know is that in order to end up with these 2 net ATP, we first need to use 2 ATP, and we need to get those starting ATPs from somewhere. From where? We'll get to that in a minute. (I wasn't kidding when I said glycolysis is inefficient. For every 4 steps forward, we take 2 back.)
hexokinase turns glucose into glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) by adding a phosphate
group to the number 6 carbon of a glucose molecule. As G-6-P starts to build up
inside the cell, the increased concentration of G-6-P is supposed to shut off
hexokinase. In biochem-speak, this is called negative feedback inhibition. Meaning, as the product of a
reaction builds up, it puts the brakes on an earlier step of the
reaction in order to slow it down or stop it. This makes sense, right? If we
have G-6-P starting to accumulate, then we don’t need to keep making more of
it, so we need some way to tell hexokinase to slow down.
One of
the VERY INTERESTING things about some types of cancer cells is
that they have an alternative form of hexokinase, called hexokinase II or 2 (HK2). There are 4 different kinds of hexokinase. Different forms of the same enzyme are called “isoenzymes,” and these different hexokinase isoenzymes have greater or less affinity for glucose. (This means certain forms are better at latching on to glucose than others.) Cancer cells express the HK2 enzyme way more than healthy cells do, and HK2 happens to have the highest affinity for glucose.
Also, unlike the normal hexokinase found in healthy cells, this “mutant hexokinase” is NOT inhibited by G-6-P. The G-6-P builds up and builds up, but hexokinase 2 never gets the message to stop.
Also, unlike the normal hexokinase found in healthy cells, this “mutant hexokinase” is NOT inhibited by G-6-P. The G-6-P builds up and builds up, but hexokinase 2 never gets the message to stop.
First consequence: Glycolysis will keep going, and going, and going.
Second consequence: Lots and lots of pyruvate will build up. (Remember, the end product of glycolysis is 2 ATP and 2 pyruvate. We'll come back to this in the next post.)
Third consequence: The cell will seek more and more glucose to keep feeding the insatiable appetite of the mutant hexokinase.
Third consequence: The cell will seek more and more glucose to keep feeding the insatiable appetite of the mutant hexokinase.
If I
just blew your mind, hang on. There’s more.
I mentioned that the hexokinase enzyme needs ATP to perform the first
reaction of glycolysis. Well, this hexokinase 2, which cancer cells have a ton of, is seriously determined to get as much of that ATP as quickly as it can. See, the
other forms of hexokinase kind of float around in the cytoplasm, waiting to do
their thing. But HK2 anchors itself to the outside of the mitochondria, so it can suck up ATP
right from the source, as soon as it’s generated. (Note: 100% of the
mitochondria in cancer cells aren’t 100% broken. They are still generating some ATP, just not enough to
successfully power the cell.)
Dave Barry would say, “I am not making this up.” HK2 is an evil genius. Instead of hanging out in the cytoplasm like the other hexokinase isoenzymes, HK2 parks itself right at the outer mitochondrial membrane, geographically locating itself to strategically grab the ATP immediately, to keep stoking the flames of
glycolysis. (Like I said, cancer cells have messed up mitochondria, but those mitochondria are still producing a little bit of ATP.)
place where HK2 docks on the outer mitochondrial membrane is called the
“voltage dependent anion channel,” or VDAC. (Don’t worry about the scary name. I’m only specifying it so the quote below will make sense.)
- “HK-2 bound to VDAC in the outer mitochondrial membrane has preferred access to ATP synthesized in the inner membrane and thus the rate at which glucose-6-P is synthesized by this ‘design’ is higher than that which would result if the newly synthesized ATP diffused into the cytosol and then to the active site of HK-2 bound to the outer membrane.” (Pedersen, 2007.)
- “Binding of hexokinase II in this capacity almost completely prevents its product inhibition by glucose-6-phosphate, thus allowing the mitochondrial bound enzyme to initiate and then maintain a high glycolytic flux rate in tumors.” (Mathupala et al, 2010.)
- “Mitochondrial bound hexokinase accounts for as much as 70% of the total cellular hexokinase in hepatoma [liver cancer] cells in contrast to the negligible hexokinase levels found on the mitochondria of normal liver cells. When the glucokinase (in normal liver) to hexokinase (in hepatoma) transition has taken place, a striking kinetic effect results with the isoenzyme in tumors exhibiting an approximately 100-fold higher affinity for glucose.” (Mathupala et al, 1997.)
- “In contrast to other hexokinase isoforms, HK II harbors two active sites per enzyme moiety.” (Mathupala et al, 2006.) This is huge. To use a crude analogy, if we think of enzymes as garages (or "car park," or "car port" for you non-Americans), most hexokinase isoenzymes are like one-car garages for glucose; only one glucose molecule can park there at a time. But HK2 is like a two-car garage. It can handle twice the amount of glucose. HK2 has “the capacity to double the rate of formation of glucose-6-phosphate, relative to isoforms I and III. Therefore, it is not surprising that type II hexokinase is the isoform predominantly expressed in highly malignant tumors.” (Mathupala et al, 2010.)
it or not, there’s even more going on
with this special form of hexokinase. Stuff that will blow your mind many more
times. But we’ve got to move on for now. We’ll address these other properties
of HK2 a few posts down the line, when we explore the notion of cancer as an
evolutionarily conserved protective mechanism.
This is something I’d never heard of until I read Tripping Over the Truth, the book that inspired this series. There were some very nefarious political and academic shenanigans involved in suppressing this hexokinase stuff. Peter Pedersen, PhD, is one of the leading scientists who did an enormous amount of research in this area. Most of what we know today about HK2 came from his lab, his work, and that of his students and colleagues. One of these collaborators was tasked with finding a substance that could inhibit HK2. After all, if such a substance could be found, it might be possible to hit the "off switch" on this insatiable enzyme, and therefore, possibly take away a cancer cell's ability to metabolize its main fuel source...and therefore, starve it to death.
The scientist who dedicated herself to this and did the bulk of the work on it (at the expense of her personal life, according to the book) is Dr. Young-Hee Ko. Dr. Ko did find a compound that inhibits HK2. It’s called 3-bromo-pyruvate:
- “The pyruvate mimetic 3-bromopyruvate (3-BP) is generally presented as an inhibitor of glycolysis and has shown remarkable efficacy in not only preventing tumor growth, but even eradicating existant tumors in animal studies.”
- “Our results show that ... hexokinase II inhibitor treatment exhibits an in vivo antitumor effect by inducing apoptosis.”
- “The preferential uptake of 3-bromopyruvate … facilitates selective targeting of tumor cells while leaving healthy and non-malignant tissue untouched.”
- “Advanced cancers (2-3cm) developed and were treated with […] 3-bromopyruvate, a lactate/pyruvate analog shown here to selectively deplete ATP and induce cell death. In all 19 treated animals advanced cancers were eradicated without apparent toxicity or recurrence.” (This was a rat study, but quite telling! There are plenty more 3-BP studies out there, most of them pretty damn promising.)

If you are wondering what would happen to healthy cells under the influence of 3-bromopyruvate, good on ya! You should be wondering that right about now. We'll get to that in just a couple more posts. (As a little preview, though, keep in mind: those are healthy cells, with healthy mitochondria. Those cells can use fats and ketones. Hmmmm...)
Why have you never heard of 3-bromo-pyruvate? I dunno. Why had you never heard of the metabolic theory of cancer? Like I said: very nefarious shenanigans. That’s one of the nice things about Christofferson's book: the author covers some very basic biochemistry on how this all works, but he also gets into the forces that have guided the last century of cancer research—for better or worse—toward the somatic mutation theory, leaving the metabolic origins theory in the dustbin of history…until now. He gets into the personalities, the egos, the organizations, and their possible motivations. It’s a science book that reads as smoothly as a novel. Highly recommended. (Dr. Ko is hard to track down these days, but it looks like she's still in the field, and is now running her own company!)
question you might be asking yourself now—and if you are, you definitely
have your thinking cap on (and I want to hug you) is: is hexokinase 2 a cause of cancer, or an effect? Does HK2 come first, and cause the rampant glycolysis,
or is a cell's switching from other forms of hexokinase to predominantly HK2 (the nonstop glucose eating machine) a response to broken mitochondria that can’t metabolize
fats and ketones, and therefore, in order for the cell to keep itself alive, it needs
to engage in as much glycolysis as it can, ergo, it switches to HK2 as a protective mechanism? (I will share my theory with you a few posts
down the line, but you can probably hazard a guess right now.)
So the predominance of HK2 is the second of the remaining cancer hallmarks we’ve
been waiting to address. (The first was broken mitochondria.) Next time, we’ll look at the third one.
we now have tons of pyruvate building up inside the cell because of all the glycolysis. Our mitochondria are
broken, and therefore, most of the pyruvate won't be converted to acetyl CoA. This pyruvate has one main fate: fermentation. Lots of it.
P.S. If you would like to read the full text of any of the articles I referenced in this post, and you cannot access them on PubMed, please contact me.
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
Enjoying your trip down the metabolic pathway.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff. Keep it coming.
Wow, nice work Amy! I need to make time to read Christofferson's book. And I look forward to your next post.
ReplyDeleteAmy, this is great stuff. Please keep it coming. It is so rewarding to actually understand the processes going on in the body and to then relate that what I put in my mouth, how much of it goes in, and what I do with my body (movement & exercise). Very empowering information, and I am ever so grateful to you for presenting it the way you do. The evenings when your posts arrive in my in-box are the only time I break my rule of "no screens on after 8pm". Now I'll be late to bed!!
ReplyDelete:-) Well, I'm sorry I'm keeping you up late, but it's for a good cause, right? Thanks for reading!
DeleteI've read Christofferson's book and your work expands on it nicely. Keep up the great posts. I have a newly diagnosed low grade lymphoma so am reading everything I can about the metabolic approach and ketogenic diets. At the least that should be a nice adjunct to standard treatment.
ReplyDeleteAnother fantastic post - please keep them coming. Thank you so much for doing this!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Marc! Really appreciate the positive feedback. Glad more people are starting to find this.
DeleteFinding all your blogs tucked away is like being on an Easter egg hunt with plenty of eggs lying around all over
ReplyDeleteHehheh...glad you found me!
DeleteDon't lose heart. You are doing the good thing. The truth about cancer (if it is the truth and I hope so) is better than almond cookies. This is refreshing Amy.
ReplyDeleteSo when OxPhos fails the cell goes back to fermentation. How does it know what to do?
ReplyDeleteWhere is the plan? The answer seems to be the cell encodes ALL information back to the year dot in its DNA.
So the plans for fermentaion are still there, just waiting to be unlocked. This is beautiful. Nature builds on top of, does not destroy.
Amy the great thing here is the ordinary person can interact with it, can think about it and truly understand, perhaps for the first time. The professionals use buzzwords and psycho-babble to keep the commoners out. You are like Robin Hood, you take from the rich and give to the poor.
ReplyDeleteMy hat is off.
This might be one of the nicest comments I've ever received! Thank you, truly.
DeleteI agree with Tim, Amy xx
DeleteMy guess would be HK2 or its progenitors is upregulated in accordance with the ancestral DNA encoding for it, kind of like rebooting after a disc error so you can pick an earlier version.
ReplyDeleteThe energy stress imposed on the cell would force selection for it and somehow unlock the encoding, otherwise the cell would die.
Hi Amy,
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I read your description of HK2 as "mutant" I knew what the source of this was.
I wrote to Travis Christofferson about this but didn't receive a reply.
HK2 is only aberrant in HK4-dominant (glucokinase) tissues, and there are very few of these -- mainly the endocrine pancreas and the liver. That is because these organs functionally require the "sensing" of blood glucose levels.
HK2 is the dominant hexokinase expressed in muscle tissue, and its behavior in attaching to the VDAC is NORMAL in myocytes for example. This should be unsurprising, since high power (i.e. rapid ATP generation) is often required in muscle, and this is accomplished by fermentation to lactate rather than respiration which is VO2-limited.
Peter Pedersen did indeed first discover this behavior of HK2 in liver, which is the tissue he focuses upon in his cancer research. But it is only unusual primarily in liver -- not necessarily in other human tissues. It is a normal human hexokinase highly expressed in some tissues.
HK4 has a much higher Km than the other human hexokinases, and is completely inappropriate for high-power requiring tissues such as muscle:
So any type of human cell which is differentiated to have significant anaerobic ATP generation requirements normally (some of the time), and concurrently has no need for glucose sensing, will express HK1/2/3 predominantly.
In a liver tumor, the malignant cell has abnormally developed this same requirement for its survival (due to damaged respiration/mitochondria), and adapted to mimic what is normal behavior in other organs. Since all of the cells are differentiated from the same genetic code (i.e. stem cells) this should not be surprising. It merely requires the turning on and turning off, or upregulation and downregulation, of various genes present in all of our cells, including hexokinase II.