We need to talk about
animals, everyone. Specifically, we need to talk about animals that we raise
for food. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” And in the
ancestral health and real food communities, we sometimes take this one step
further and say, “You are what you eat,
eats.” Most of us use this to convey
the idea that we prefer to eat animals that have consumed their own natural,
species-appropriate diets. For example, meat and dairy products from grass-fed
cows, and, generally speaking, meat, fowl, and seafood that have not been fed
rations of genetically modified corn and/or soy. (In the case of seafood, actually, no corn or soy of any kind. ’Cuz, really? Corn and soy? In the marine food web?)
When I say “species-appropriate
diets,” I mean this: some animals are herbivores, some are carnivores, and
others are omnivores. While herbivores (such cows and sheep) and carnivores
(such as felines) can survive—at least
for a time—on diets primarily made up of substances that are not plants or animals, respectively,
eventually, problems will develop.
Over the last several years, consumers
have become more discerning when it comes to how they spend their food dollars.
Movies like Food, Inc., and books like The Omnivore’s Dilemma have opened at least a few people’s eyes to the
larger issues around sustainable agriculture, humane animal husbandry, and more.
Unfortunately, the average consumer still remains in the dark, and food manufacturers delight in taking advantage of this collective food label ignorance, laughing all the way to the bank.
The example many of us are
familiar with is egg cartons that proudly proclaim the eggs they contain came
from hens that were fed a vegetarian diet. Whoop-de-doo, right? Hens are not
vegetarians. Most birds, in fact, are not vegetarians. The phrase is not, “The
earlybird gets the lettuce,” but rather, “The earlybird gets the worm.” That’s right. Worm. From the animal kingdom. We’ve all seen images of mama birds holding worms
in their beaks to feed to their babies. And let’s not forget penguins and
pelicans, whose diets are largely [if not entirely] seafood, in the form of marine
animals. And of course, there’s the ultimate
expression of carnivory in our feathered friends: vultures. Yes, birds that
swoop in after a predator is done eviscerating its prey to feast on whatever is
left. Given a choice between millet and sunflower seeds, or a rotting animal
carcass, I think we know which the vultures would prefer.
Moving on to the topic at hand, I haven’t bought supermarket
bacon in a long time. I’m not a food purist by any means. Although I do try to
stick mostly to meat from local farms, I have no
qualms about getting regular ol’ food from the regular ol’ supermarket. The
reason I haven’t bought supermarket bacon in a while is because I haven’t
bought any bacon in a while. (A hiccup
in the space-time continuum that has since been remedied.) So imagine my
surprise when, in perusing the bacon section at the store, I came upon this
little gem:
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Please don’t ask why I can’t figure out how to have this
picture display horizontally. Oh well. Hopefully you can still see the circled
Attention: PIGS ARE NOT VEGETARIANS. I know this
for a fact, because I have spent some time working on farms, feeding pigs, and
talking with farmers who know way more about all this than I do. Trust me (and
them): pigs are nature’s garbage disposals. They are one of the handiest
animals to have on a farm, because they eat darn near everything. The farmhouse
kitchen of every small farm I’ve been to has a bin/bucket for meal scraps. When
you’re done eating, you scrape just about everything left on your plate into
this bucket, and someone brings it out to the pigs daily. Vegetables, fruit,
meat scraps, and even bones. Pigs eat the peels, rinds, ends, gristle, and all
the other “stuff” we typically throw away. (Unless you have a compost bin.) The
only thing I have seen pigs completely reject is swiss chard. (And I can’t say
I blame them. Pigs are quite
intelligent, y’know. And chard is pretty awful tasting, unless sautéed with
lots of garlic and olive oil. And even then, I can think of about a thousand other things I’d rather eat.)
I don't deny that pigs
eat lots of vegetables and fruit. They sure do seem to love cucumbers,
peaches, and melon. But this does not
make them vegetarians. They are voracious omnivores that will happily—and quickly—hoover up just about anything
that gets tossed to them. (Except chard.) Case in point: the farms I’ve been to
raise meat chickens from hatchlings, which they typically receive through the
mail when the hatchlings are just one or two days old. (There is nothing more
adorable than a cardboard pallet filled with tiny yellow fluffballs, better
known as peeps, making the cutest
little cheeping sounds. Also, for a gal born & raised in
NYC, it was pretty cool the first time I was working at a farm and we got a
phone call from the local post office saying that the chicks had arrived. Tee-hee!) Unfortunately, the journey from hatchery to farm is not always an
easy one, and every batch typically contains a couple that didn’t
survive the trip.
What’s a farmer to do with
these poor, perished peeps? Have a tiny memorial service and bury them in the
ground? No way. Those peeps make great pig food! Dead chickens of pretty much
any size—whether newborn peeps, or slightly older ones who die for other
reasons—are tossed to the pigs, and you should see how quickly those pigs
pounce on those raw, whole chicks. Circle of life, my friends, circle of life.
A little disturbing to some folks, perhaps, but those of us who eat animals owe
it to ourselves—and to the animals—to understand how this works. This isn’t “gross;”
it’s simply the animal kingdom.
And lest you think pigs are
the only animals that would tear apart a whole, raw, dead chick, allow me to
let you in on a little secret: chickens are ruthless. They will eat anything
and everything you put in front of them, including
their own. I haven’t seen this with my own eyes, but I’ve been told by
farmers with years of experience that if we were to put those dead hatchlings
on the grass by the older chickens,
they would not hesitate for a second to start pecking at them with gusto. (Why?
Because, say it with me again: Chickens
are not vegetarians.)
I understand why manufacturers
specify “vegetarian fed” on their egg and bacon packages. Several years ago, there
was a major scare about cannibalism among animals causing nasty illnesses, such
as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE—more commonly known as “mad cow
disease.” (Fears about disease-causing prions and other stuff I don’t fully
understand are also why it’s basically impossible/illegal to purchase animal
brains for human consumption in the U.S. Land of the free? Not always.) And maybe it is
a bit problematic when sick, “downer” cattle are fed to other cows. But in
the grand scheme of things, pigs eat animals. Chickens eat insects. LOVE ‘EM. They love larvae, grubs,
worms, and all sorts of other creepy, crawly, icky little critters. That’s why
so many farmers (at least, the ones with integrated, multi-species farms) move
their chickens or egg-laying hens onto the same parcel of pasture previously
inhabited by cows. When insects lay their eggs on all the cow patties left
behind, the birds absolutely go to town
when those things hatch. Why? Because: chickens
and hens are not vegetarians. And nope, neither are pigs.
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Gaaah! Nitrates!
As for the nitrate/nitrite
issue, to be honest, I. Just. Don’t. Care. If you’re worried about it, buy fresh,
uncured bacon. But don’t be fooled by bacon that is “nitrate-free,” or is advertised
as having “no added nitrates.” These are most likely cured with celery juice or
celery juice powder, which, guess what: CONTAINS NITRATES. This is simply not
that big a deal. If you’re eating a ton of vegetables, you will get far more nitrates from produce than you will get from bacon. (In fact,
celery is classified as having a “very high” nitrate content, as are beets. But beets
have long been recommended as a health-promoting
food, particularly for those with hypertension and other manifestations of endothelial dysfunction. And this is precisely because of the high nitrate content in
beets. See, the nitrate is converted
to nitrite, which is converted to nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator.
[Meaning, it dilates the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more smoothly,
thus potentially reducing high blood pressure. Worried about all the salt/sodium in bacon negating the anti-hypertensive effects of the nitrates? Don’t be. Stay tuned for a few posts on sodium, once I’m finished with the cancer series.])
If you’re not inclined to
read any of the PubMed papers linked to above, no sweat! Check out these layperson-friendly
takes on the nitrate issue from a couple
of guys whose work I trust when it comes to stuff like this—one from the
scientific standpoint, and the other from the culinary perspective:
- Chris Kresser: The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason Not To Fear Bacon
- Michael Ruhlman: The “No Nitrites Added” Hoax
At the risk of it seeming
like I’ve singled out the manufacturer of the “100% vegetarian fed” bacon for
doing something silly, let me go ahead here and say that I’d never tried their
bacon until last week. I bought two different versions to try, and here’s the
one I went for first:
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Don’t get me started on the “no added hormones” line. That is
a whole other post!
It was friggin’ delicious.
They weren’t lying when they
said “thick sliced.” This was about twice as thick as any “thick cut” bacon
I’ve ever had, and it was nice and meaty.
There was plenty of fat, too, but far more smoky, sweet & salty pork meat
than I’ve ever had on bacon before. So as far as supermarket bacon goes, I highly recommend this one.
P.S. For the low-carbers and
keto dieters out there, my take on bacon being cured with sugar is an emphatic:
Meh. Most bacon is cured with sugar
in some form: brown sugar, cane sugar, turbinado, etc. But the amount that ends up
in the final product is pretty much nil. Basically
negligible. If you’re following a low-carb diet and are avoiding bacon because
you see sugar listed among the ingredients, to quote a meme I don’t especially
like, but which is totally suitable in this case, “You’re doing it wrong.”
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
One of our chooks' most endearing qualities is their psycopathy - that and they never cease to make me laugh when they run. For all food they are enthusiastic, but put them anywhere near cockroaches, grasshoppers, chicken eggs (cooked or raw) and meat of any kind, they go absolutely mental. Stupid they may be, but they know what they like.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's kind of sweet that they won't touch an egg that's in the nest, but drop one as you're heading out the gate, and all bets are off.
Right! Almost forgot about that. I've seen chickens go straight for raw eggs that were dropped & cracked nearby. But they never go for freshly laid eggs that are intact. And the pigs somehow know not to eat any *live* chicks & chickens. (We had a few escape the coop and get into the pig area. The pigs completely left them alone.)
DeleteAmen! Great post! I have a hard time convincing folks that nitrates are part of our BP regulating system...someday...
ReplyDelete"100% Vegetarian Fed", so if I read this label correctly, the pigs were actually either fed by vegetarians or were fed vegetarians? Maybe the farmer is converting vegetarians to meat eating, by getting them to feed the pigs - bacon still the gateway meat. : )
ReplyDeleteOn the nitrate/nitrite subject, I prefer cured with salt, but will buy and eat bacon when it is cured with nitrate/nitrate. It is hard to know how the nitrate/nitrite/salt was sourced and processed, and if this adds to or takes away from the end product and how your body reacts to it. One figures that naturally occurring nitrate/nitrites are a little different form processed/purified types. My mother slaughtered pigs and cured the meat with her grandfather, and they used salt not nitrate/nitrites. So why is salt not used more today? Cost? Or are nitrates/nitrites more effective at preserving the meat and preventing the nasties from taking root?
Now time to snack on some oven baked bacon.
HA! Yeah, maybe the pigs are being fed vegetarians! That would certainly fall under "100% vegetarian fed." ;D
DeleteNot that it changes your advice at all but it seems that only commenters do a good job at both Kresser's and Ruhlman's posts such as Beth or JW. The discussion is incomplete without talking about inhibition of nitrosamine formation ("absence of co-administration of a carcinogenic nitrosamine precursor"?, what about protein?) by vitamin C. (Light) years ahead in thoroughness is the post by Sandy Szwarc. I don't care about nitrates in cured meat either because ascorbate is also added.
ReplyDeleteSalt cure requires a lot of time and labor.
ReplyDeletesalt peter/nitrites can be injected as a solution in minutes.
Chickens will eat mice (you tube) and each other, they will also eat eggs if they learn about the raw egg being inside. Mother Hen sits on a nest to protect her eggs. We use to feed cows whole corn and the pigs would follow the cows for a free fattening meal.