Testing & Interpreting Thyroid Hormone
If I really wanted to do
justice to the topic of testing and evaluating lab values for thyroid and
associated hormones, I could write approximately 85 posts and probably still not cover all the nuances. So
we’re going to do the quick & dirty overview, and then I’ll point you
toward some resources for more information.
Remember: the reason we’re taking some time to delve into thyroid function is because we’re exploring reasons for difficult (seemingly impossible) fat loss, even on a good LCHF diet. And thyroid dysfunction is very near the top of that list.
Remember: the reason we’re taking some time to delve into thyroid function is because we’re exploring reasons for difficult (seemingly impossible) fat loss, even on a good LCHF diet. And thyroid dysfunction is very near the top of that list.
It is a freaking travesty
that so many doctors run one test,
and one test only, when a patient
requests a thyroid test. This is for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which,
as I mentioned in the previous post, is not
a thyroid hormone at all, but rather, a signaling molecule produced by
the pituitary gland. The reasoning behind testing TSH is, if TSH is elevated,
then something is wrong with the thyroid gland, because if the thyroid gland
were responding normally to TSH, then TSH wouldn’t
be elevated.
If your TSH is high, a doctor might put you on some sort of thyroid hormone, without ever digging deeper to try and
ascertain WHY your TSH is high, and without ever testing other hormones. They will give you medication
without actually trying to solve the problem. (Modern medicine is profoundly excellent when it comes to
trauma and emergency care. But when it comes to this stuff, it is somewhere in
The problem with testing only
TSH is that, if it’s high, the doc will probably give you levothyroxine (the
most common brand name of which is Synthroid®). Levothyroxine is T4 only. I have had a few clients who
were on Synthroid® and still felt like garbage. (One client didn’t even know the medication she was on was
T4-only. Did she never even ask her
doctor what she was being told to put into her body? People boggle my mind…)
It’s no wonder they still felt like garbage: Like I explained last time, T4 is
the far less potent thyroid hormone. As Janie Bowthorpe, the powerhouse behind
the book and website, Stop the Thyroid Madness, wrote: “T4-only medications […] have never done
the job, any more than an elevator which only rises to the 5th floor in a 50
story building ‘does the job.’” SO TRUE!
T4 is important, but T3 is
generally the one that brings people “back to life,” so to speak. So if T4
production isn’t the problem, then giving T4 in pill form probably won’t help. (And if you have only your TSH levels tested, you'll have no idea what your T4 level is anyway.) What about the conversion of T4 to
T3? What about thyroid hormone receptors?
What about an autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland? The point is, the TSH
test that is often the only one
performed, tells you JACK SQUAT about how your body is
producing and utilizing thyroid
For all of these reasons, a
good, comprehensive thyroid panel should include the following (as a minimum):
Reverse T3
Free T3
T4 antibodies
Free T4
Thyroid peroxidase
Women: You might want to
see if your doctor will test estrogen levels, too. (More on this later.)
As just one example of the
things these different values can tell you, my own TSH is low. (So are my T4 and T3.) This suggests that the problem is likely
not with my thyroid gland, but rather, upstream of the thyroid, either in the
pituitary or the hypothalamus. Of course
my T4 and T3 are low; my pituitary is not sending my thyroid gland the message
to make T4. (And if T4 is low, then
it’s only logical that T3 would be low, too.)
All I know is, I’ve had
several clients who were on thyroid medication, but who had no noticeable
improvement in symptoms. If this describes someone reading this right now, NEWS
FLASH: Your meds ain’t workin’! Get
with your doctor and try something else! If your doctor won’t work with you on
this, find one who will. It’s your body, your money, your misery, and YOU WANT TO
Last time, we talked about
nutrient deficiencies that affect thyroid health. Today, let’s cover…
Other Things That Interfere with
Healthy Thyroid Function
Stress Soup
Reverse T3 may be elevated
when cortisol levels are very high. Reverse T3 basically “mimics” T3 at the
receptor level, but it doesn’t perform the action
of T3. In fact, reverse T3 blocks the
action of T3. Think of reverse T3 as a “T3 imposter” – it fits into the thyroid
hormone receptor, but it doesn’t do
anything. It just sits there, blocking the real
hormone’s access. This is the body’s way of not burning out and completely falling apart and/or shutting down. I have said this
to numerous clients, typically the “Type As,” and typically women, who are
burning the candle not just at both ends, but at five ends: stressful job, raising kids, doing the lion’s share of
the cooking and household chores, and still finding time for intense workouts a
few times a week—ALL WHILE TYPICALLY UNDER-EATING. (To all the hardworking fathers out there, yes, I know there are plenty of men who fit this description. The difference is, you typically still manage to feed yourselves sufficient food.) Since the adrenal glands can only keep up this ridiculousness for so long,
their primary way of getting these people to slow the heck down—since they
won’t slow down on their own—is to pull on the thyroid and force them to slow down, by making them tired and depressed. (I’ve had many clients with signs of adrenal hyperfunction coupled with thyroid hypofunction—i.e., the adrenals working
overtime at the expense of the thyroid. I see this All. The. Time.)
This is why general hormonal mayhem ensues. It’s
rare that someone with a thyroid issue only
has thyroid lab values that are off. If they work with a knowledgeable
practitioner who knows which tests to order, they’ll likely see that several other things are off, too—usually
cortisol levels, but sometimes other hormones as well. Remember what I’ve said
in past posts: biochemical input—be it in the form of food, medication,
supplements, or lifestyle practices—does not occur in a vacuum. The human body
is not a static entity. It is a dynamic, responsive organism whose internal
workings are constantly in flux. You can’t provide an input somewhere and not
have it adjusted for somewhere else—for better or worse.
Moving along to the
antibodies: elevated thyroid antibodies may be indicative of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
or Graves’ disease—hypo- and hyper-thyroid, respectively. (Your symptoms will
tell you which, but, if you’re here, reading a post about stubborn weight loss,
most likely you do not have Graves’.)
Aaaaanyway, my point is,
knowing only TSH tells you
approximately nothing about what’s going
on with your thyroid, nor about how the rest
of your body is responding to
thyroid hormones. My feeling is that T4-only medications are mostly useless. I have
attended seminars on thyroid function from some very experienced functional MDs
who specialize in thyroid, and they agree. Even giving a T3-only or T4/T3
combination pill isn’t always enough to get someone feeling better. Optimizing
thyroid function and the body’s response to
the hormones often requires nutritional supplementation in addition to exogenous hormones, and it doesn’t always fix things
quickly. It can take months before someone feels better, but if they’re on a
protocol that’s suitable for them, eventually
things will kick in.
Halogen Havoc
Iodine is a halogen element.
Meaning, on the snazzy periodic table you probably haven’t seen since high
school chemistry class, it belongs to the halogen/halide group. This is
group 17, the second in from the right, and in addition to iodine, halogens
include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and astatine. I know absolutely nothing
about astatine, so I’m going to sheepishly ignore it. (Plus, according to that paragon of trustworthy
info, Wikipedia, astatine has no known biological role.) Elements that fall into the same group have
somewhat similar chemical properties, owing to details about electrons,
chemical bonding, and other scary stuff we don’t need to go into detail with here.
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The halogens are circled in
red, second column from the right.
The reason this is important
is that, having similar chemical reactivity means that some of these elements are known
to displace iodine in the body. That is, instead of iodine being able
to get where it needs to go and become part of an enzyme, other molecule, or
fit into a receptor, bromine or fluorine might go there instead, and said
enzyme or molecule will not interact with its receptor properly, resulting in
all the weird & wacky things that can happen when biochemical reactions go
There may be a beneficial
role for topical fluoride when applied to the teeth, but this does not mean we
should be ingesting it via our drinking water. On the grand scale of time,
fluoridation of public water supplies is brand-spanking-new.
It’s only been going on since just after the Second World War. Massive amounts
of fluoride were basically a waste product of the weapons/munitions industry,
and rather than finding a way to dispose of said waste, a couple of geniuses
got the nifty idea of putting it into the water. As far as I’m concerned, this
is a total disaster. Has there been a huge drop in the number of cavities and
the amount of overall tooth decay since mass fluoridation become a “thing?”
Doubtful. Has there been a huge increase in the incidence of thyroid
dysfunction? Yes. Can we say, conclusively, that this is due to the fluoride?
No, but I think we’re kidding ourselves if we think it’s not contributing on at
least some level. (And if everyone in
a particular municipality is drinking the same fluoridated water, why doesn’t everyone have a thyroid issue? I
dunno…how come I can eat half a jar of peanut butter in one sitting and be just
fine, but if a kid ate a PB&J sandwich yesterday
and accidentally breathes near little
Billy in kindergarten, Billy passes out and someone needs to inject him with an
epi pen? People are different, folks. It would be nice if our government
officials would give us the choice of
whether we’d like to ingest fluoride
or not, but in many places, this isn’t the case. [And a whole-house
fluoride-removing water filtration system is just not economically or
logistically feasible for some people.])
But I digress. My point is, I
believe fluoride is bad thyroid juju. You can buy fluoride-free toothpaste, but
frankly, I’m far less concerned with toothpaste—which we don’t swallow—than I
am with fluoridated water, which we are encouraged to drink multiple glasses of
daily. (Do I have a fluoride removal system in my home? No. Do I lose sleep
over this? No. Am I still annoyed? Yes. But will I let this rule my life? No.)
If you’re interested in the seedy underbelly of fluoridation, I highly
recommend this book: The Fluoride Deception. (It blew my mind about fluoride the
same way Tripping Over the Truth blew my mind about cancer.)
(Also, let's not forget that tubes of fluoride toothpaste are usually printed with warnings about calling a poison control center if you accidentally swallow more than is typically used for brushing. Why? Because anything more than itty bitty trace amounts of fluoride are poisonous, that's why.)
Another halogen that is very
problematic for displacing iodine is bromine. You might not think you come into contact with a lot
of bromine, but au contraire, mon ami.
It’s everywhere. As a low-carb,
Paleo, or Primal eater, you generally avoid most dietary sources of bromide.
(It’s used to keep the artificial coloring looking nice and not separating out
in such choice beverages as Mountain Dew and Gatorade. I think Gatorade might
have been reformulated to phase it out, but it used to be in there, and some bottles
of Mountain Dew and other freakishly bright-colored soft drinks still list “brominated vegetable oil” among the ingredients.
You might also see it on labels as simply “BVO.”)
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The other source of bromine
in food is potassium bromate, which is used as a dough conditioner, so if you consume little to no commercially prepared/mass produced bread, no
worries. How interesting is it, though, that big commercial bread makers used to use potassium iodate (i.e., from iodine)? They used it not
only because it was good for the final product, but it was seen as a way to
increase people’s intake of iodine, which they knew was insufficient. (Kind of like why they iodize salt. Too bad the "experts" are always harping on us to eat a low-salt diet, though. We're gonna put something you really, really need in salt, but then we're going to tell you to avoid salt. Nice, huh? I swear, folks, you can't make this stuff up. Are you familiar with the acronym BOHICA? Bend over; here it comes again...) Also interesting to note that potassium
bromate has been banned in the UK and Canada (and the state of California requires warning signs for foods
that contain above a certain level of bromate). With regard to toxicity and
carcinogenicity, studies are mixed, as usual, but according to the thyroid
experts whose lectures I’ve attended, bromide excess does occur, and it is not
uncommon in people with thyroid problems. (There are ways to do a bromide
“detox,” if necessary, and get it out of your system.)
Our largest sources of
bromide exposure come from products we are exposed to and surrounded by daily. Bromide is used in flame-retardant materials (clothing, carpet, vehicle upholstery), in some plastics (including car interiors), etc. Y’know that new
car smell we all kinda like? Um, yeah. Lots of stuff is outgassing, and we are
breathing it in. Same thing with new carpet. There’s a reason you’re supposed
to let it air out for a while before you shut all your windows and resume
living your life indoors with it.
Okay, look. I’m not trying to
be alarmist. I’m not Joe Mercola, and you will never see headlines like this here on my blog. I don’t have some nifty, proprietary gadget to
rid yourself of fluoride & bromide, that you can get only through my website,
for the low, low price of $29.99—but only if you ACT NOW, because THIS DEAL WON’T LAST! All I’m saying is, we are surrounded by “stuff” that could
potentially interfere with the proper shuttling of iodine in the body. And we
couple this with what is typically a very low iodine intake in the first place, creating a double-whammy
situation. (Good info on the seriousness of iodine insufficiency here
and here.)
Just something to be aware of, that’s all. (And while I am generally completely understanding -- encouraging, even -- of people not
being 100% “clean” with their diet, I will say this: if you think you’re eating
LCHF, Paleo, or Primal, but you regularly
consume Mountain Dew, you are doing
it wrong.) ;-)
Estrogen Interference
Some of you might be aware
that complications with thyroid function affect women far more than they affect
men. Plenty of men experience thyroid dysfunction, but the majority of cases
are women. One reason is, autoimmune conditions, in general, affect more women than men. (Not all thyroid issues are autoimmune, but Hashi’s and
Graves’ are.) A second reason is the adrenal thing I talked about earlier. Men
can have adrenals that are going crazy, too, but again, more common in women. The third reason is, not surprisingly, hormones—estrogen, in particular.
According to Dr. Jorge
Flechas -- whose lecture on whole-body iodine issues you most definitely want to listen to if you have
a thyroid issue or fibrocystic breasts -- high circulating free estrogen interferes with the thyroid gland’s ability to concentrate iodine. And “estrogen dominance” is becoming almost as common as thyroid dysfunction these days.
It should come as no surprise that the signs & symptoms of estrogen
dominance have significant overlap with those of hypothyroidism. (Estrogen
dominance is also relative: it could be that your estrogen levels are just fine, or possibly even on the low end; the problem is that your progesterone is in the basement, so the estrogen is basically “unopposed.”)
It is beyond the scope of
this post for me to get into the details about high estrogen levels. Just know
that if that is an issue for you,
chances are, it’s causing or exacerbating your hypothyroid symptoms, and you might not have a thyroid issue at all. Fortunately, clearing up the estrogen/progesterone imbalance is
not terribly difficult to do, provided you have a physician or naturopath who
is knowledgeable about this. (There are even some nutritionists, hint, hint, who know a thing or two
about it and might be able to help.)
Boy, was that more than you
ever cared to know about thyroid function, or what? I apologize for wandering so
far off the trail here, but I thought it was important to go into a bit of
detail with thyroid, considering it’s such a huge player in metabolism and body
weight/weight loss, and that’s what this series is supposed to be about. We’ll get back on track next time, when we’ll
look at some of the lifestyle factors that might help break a weight loss stall/plateau,
or help those among us who haven’t yet lost any weight at all.
If you have a thyroid issue
and your medical and/or nutrition professionals have been utterly useless to
you, you owe it to yourself to check out these two sites. You will find more
helpful information than you ever could have hoped for. (Warning: wear
sunglasses. So many lightbulbs are going to go on over your head; you’ll need
protection, haha!)
- Stop the Thyroid Madness (It’s also a book, with a sequel, but the website has more up-to-date information)
- Miss Lizzy: My Journey Recovering from Hypothyroidism, Low Energy, Weight Gain, Adrenal Fatigue
I also encourage you to watch
the iodine video and you might also want to check out the book, The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life. (A
sensationalist title, for sure, but if you are experiencing debilitating thyroid
dysfunction, then you know only too well it’s not an exaggeration.)
Another helpful book is Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? (When My Lab Tests are Normal).
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
I tried a short trial of Cytomel (T3) to augment the Synthroid, which boosted my energy levels marginally in the afternoons, but D/C'd after dire warnings from my doctors...
ReplyDeleteIn order to feel functional, I must keep my T4 at upper limits of normal range, w/TSH partially suppressed.
"Dire warnings"? What, pray tell, were the dire warnings? When my total cholesterol zoomed to 296 my doctor did additional tests and found I had Hashimoto's. Naturally she reached for the prescription pad for Synthroid. I had already been researching thyroid and asked about Armour natural thyroid. She would not even consider it so referred me to an endocrinologist.
ReplyDeleteAt sites like stopthethyroidmadness they say if you want decent thyroid treatment the last person you want to see is an endocrinologist, lol. I had hopes, though, as she was a DO rather than an MD and I had heard they can be more open to alternative treatments. Not!
She would not even consider Armour, said she would never prescribe a DANGEROUS drug (which has been used safely by thousands for generations.) But she was more than happy to reach for a prescription pad to give me statins, and was not happy when I said I would not take them unless she put a gun to my head.
Went on like this for almost two years. So frustrating to know what you want and to have to go through a gatekeeper who refuses to give it to you.
Then, in a way so amazing it almost felt like Divine Intervention, I learned of a holistic nurse practitioner who used Armour and went to see her. She didn't take insurance of course. Those who do seem to be Synthroid only types! But she gave me Armour and within a couple weeks I was feeling better. Within four weeks my total cholesterol and LDL had both dropped over 100 points.
What is the good of pumping T4 (Synthroid) into your body if your body is having problems converting T4 to T3 (of which elevated cholesterol is a classic symptom). If I could not get Armour I would certainly consider Cytomel.
Right on, Debbie! So glad you found someone willing to give you the help you needed. I've found a very helpful & understanding NP as well> I tried Nature-Throid, but it didn't seem to do me much good. Possibly I needed a higher dose than I was trying, but I've been doing my own thing the past couple of weeks (without Nature-Throid) and actually feeling better! I still don't feel *great,* but it's noticeably better than I was not long ago.
DeleteHey Amy,
ReplyDeleteI just recently found your blog and have really been enjoying the content. Thanks for all your hard work!
I wanted to follow up on your thyroid struggles and see how you have been progressing? Have you been able to resolve your thyroid issues? If so, what steps did you take to correct them, and what was the initial issue (low FT3 and normal TT4; low FT3 and low FT4, etc.)?
Hi Tim,
DeleteThis would be a little too much for me to get into in the blog comments. If you want, feel free to email me directly (tuitnutrition [at] gmail [dot] com) and we can talk about it privately. I am doing better in some ways; in others I have a long way to go and am still trying to find something that works well for me. I am doing much better than I was several months ago, but things definitely still aren't ideal. As for the labs, I basically had low EVERYTHING -- but also some were low/normal. Above all, my TSH was LOW, not high, so the problem really isn't my thyroid gland, per se, but further upstream, in the pituitary or hypothalamus. It's like my whole body was running slow, not just the thyroid. The thyroid can only take orders from the pituitary, and if my pituitary wasn't pumping out and TSH, well, no wonder everything else was compromised. Oy!!
Is there a... uh part 4 or this?
ReplyDeleteYes: http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2015/12/why-not-losing-weight-4.html