five of you who follow this blog know that brevity has never been my strong suit,
so it’ll be interesting to see if I can say anything of value in 140 characters
or less. (What? You’re telling me tweets don’t
have to say anything valuable? Sweet! Guess the pressure’s off, then.)
you’re on Twitter, pop on over and follow me @TuitNutrition…assuming I can
figure out how to use the darn thing.
;-) (Also: is it wrong to be asking people to follow me? Is that the
new social norm, or is this just the updated version of making construction
paper valentines for the whole class in second grade and hoping with all your
might that someone made one for you, too? Ah, popularity contests…they never go
away, do they? At least now I have my own car. Score one for adulthood!)
all I have to do is start posting pics on Instagram, make a Facebook page for
Tuit, and upgrade these candles for some electricity. (Hehheh, just kidding. I
may not be super tech-savvy, but I’m no Luddite. Thank goodness for
electricity, as it allows me to waste copious amounts of time watching Food
Network read tons of educational blogs & websites.)
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