Warning: This post might ruffle some feathers. It’s a bit
speculative on my part, but I’ve had some things running through my mind a lot
lately and I’d like to get them down “on paper” here and see if any of them resonate with my readers. (All four of you.) It’s a little metaphysical, and
maybe even a little “woo-woo.” It’s not about biochemistry or physiology.
(Well, in a way, but not predominantly.) It’s about things that affect our
health that we can’t measure.
This post is born of something I’ve come to realize after
digging very deep into my own feelings, and also things I’ve observed in
clients—particularly the ones with “stubborn cases”—the people who are
seemingly doing everything right but aren’t getting to where they want to be.
Their diets are spot-on. They get enough exercise. They don’t feel particularly
stressed out. So why can’t they drop those last ten pounds? Or why do they
still have trouble sleeping?
I don’t know that I’ve found “THE ANSWER,” but I think what
I’m about to talk about is certainly part of the puzzle, and it’s one that
doesn’t get enough attention in the Paleo/Primal/Ancestral health scene.
(Except maybe by Mark Sisson. He seems to have one of the most well-rounded, down-to-earth, and
comprehensive approaches of anyone. And I’m sure he would agree with a quote I
came across recently and am stealing shamelessly: “You should follow the most
restrictive diet you can enjoy, not
the most restrictive one you can tolerate.” A-freaking-MEN.)
I saw a newly minted word the other day and I just love it: Cyberchondriac.

However, more often than not, I find the “cyberchondriacs”
are the people who are already at the 97th percentile of looking and
feeling great and being in optimal health, and they’re driving themselves crazy
trying to find the itty bitty tweak that will move them that last 3% to the
finish line. (Never mind that as soon as they get there, they’ll find that someone’s
moved the goalpost and they’re not at 100% like they thought they would be.)
What the heck are you talking
about, Amy?
Well, if you’ve spent some time on various forums and blogs
related to all this stuff, you’ve probably noticed that while most people are
thrilled just to have lost 50 pounds, be off their insulin, blood pressure
meds, and antacids, and be able to go up a flight of stairs without having to
stop and rest, there’s a cadre of people who are so concerned over every teeny,
tiny aspect of diet and exercise that they’re actually inducing health issues that wouldn’t otherwise be there. (You know
who I’m talking about. The people who ask questions like: “How many grams, exactly, of glycine do I need
a day? And how many cups of bone broth, exactly, will give me that?” Or, “I
went to a restaurant and accidentally ingested 0.005 grams of soybean oil.
Should I fast for three days to compensate? Or maybe take 4 Tbsp of fish oil to
counter the inflammation?” And, of course, “I'm a 23-year-old female, and I do
CrossFit nine times a week, plus I'm training for a marathon and planning my
wedding, and I'm doing it all on 25g of carbs or less per day. Why do I feel
like shit all the time and haven't had a period in 8 months?”)
So basically, we’ve got two camps: the camp that feels so
much better than they used to, and they’re pretty darn content with where they’re
at. Those people will probably continue to make gradual changes over time, but
dammit, they’re going to enjoy a piece of cake at their friend’s wedding, and have a cup (or three) of gelato on their trip to Italy. And then there’s the
other camp, where good enough will never be good enough. I’m not saying people
shouldn’t strive to improve themselves—whether that’s with regard to health and
fitness, education, being kinder, or what-have-you. I think those are all fine
goals. But I do think that when we’re talking about diet and health, specifically,
and in this Paleo/ancestral health community, in particular—where some people
almost know too much for their own good—the constant striving and pushing isn’t
always a good thing.
Here’s the deal. And here’s where we get into the things I’m
hesitant to talk about here. But I have to believe I’m not the only one who’s
having these thoughts, so here goes.
I see a lot of people obsessing about the minutia. I see a
lot of people trying all kinds of changes and tweaks and “hacks,” for the
purpose of finding the magic bullet(s) that will finally, finally resolve whatever last little niggling symptom hasn’t gone
away, even though they’re feeling pretty darn good in all other aspects. Like I
said earlier—why won’t that little layer of fat around the abdomen go away? Why
do the joints still hurt sometimes? And especially—most especially—why does someone still struggle with anxiety or
Most of us spend a lot of time looking at the things we can
measure and record. Am I getting too much omega-6? Not enough magnesium? Am I
fasting too often? Not often enough? Am I eating too much coconut oil? Not enough sauerkraut? I weigh this many pounds and am this tall. How many calories, exactly, should I be taking in? And if I
want to lose 6.73 pounds in the next five weeks, how much of a caloric deficit
do I need to create?
Is anyone else’s head spinning?
So what’s the answer?
Answer: 102.43. You would have to create a deficit of 102.43
calories per day. (<--SARCASM.)
What’s the real
answer? Well, like I said, what I’m going to share with you might not be “THE
ANSWER,” but it’s part of it.
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Mental house cleaning:
difficult and
sometimes disturbing, but absolutely necessary. |
Instead of trying to find nutritional answers to our
struggles, we should try to identify why we’re struggling in the first place.
And this requires a lot of introspection. It requires putting on your knee-high
rubber boots and going wading deep into the muck of your own psyche. It requires stepping back and taking a serious look at you. And not the physical “you” you see in the mirror, but the inside you.
(Lord, I hope I haven’t sent anyone running for the hills.
This might sound like spacey hippie nonsense, but I really do think it’s a huge
missing piece of things.)
Instead of thinking that popping some 5-HTP is going to lift
the dark cloud from over your head, you might be better served by trying to
discover why you think you need more serotonin
in the first place. Is there some reason your body isn’t making enough?
If you need L-theanine tea to help you calm down and get to
sleep, try to figure out why you’re so anxious to begin with.
Of course, I have nothing against helpful supplements.
Particularly when it comes to struggles with mood and emotions, I think they
can be a godsend. If you need a little help to get through a day and function
in the world at large, I have no problem recommending those things. But they’re
really just band-aids. Short-term fixes. They will help you get through, but they’re not actually correcting whatever underlying issue is
causing the problems.
So many people are
desperate to find answers to their psychological troubles. We want to know what
do—what to take, how much of it and when. And I’m as fascinated as the next gal
to learn about the effects of different amino acids and fatty acids on mental/emotional health. But I’m much more interested in why these problems are so common these
days. Where is all this anger, fear, worry, anxiety, tension, and pessimism
coming from? WHY are so many people so anxious? WHY are so many people
I’ve given this a lot of thought. A lot of thought. Both because I’m a work in progress, myself, and
because I’ve had some clients that have been mysteries to me. And from all that
thinking, I’ve concluded that we need to look beyond the diet. Way beyond. Yes, of course what we cram down our pieholes plays a huge role in how we feel and look. But what about everything else?
What about fresh air? What about smiling? What about watching a sunset? What
about seeing the stars come out? What about joy?
Ah, joy. Good ol’ vitamin J.
I think simply enjoying
one’s life is probably the single most overlooked aspect of health. And
this is what I meant about wading through the muck in your mind (and your heart).
If you really get in there and ditch the political correctness, ditch the
platitudes and the rhetorical questions (like when someone casually asks you
how you are and, on autopilot, you say, “I’m good, how are you?” even though
you’re on the verge of a breakdown and if there were a bathroom anywhere nearby
you’d probably run in there and cry). Get in there and do the dirty work.
Do you love your job? Do you even like it? At all? Or do
you go through the motions because you’ve got obligations and bills to pay, and
the health insurance is good, and even though you hate it with the fire of a
thousand suns, you have no idea what the hell else to do, so you drag yourself through the day like you’ve
already been doing for as long as you can remember? And you feel trapped.
Does your work—whatever it is that you do—give you a sense
of fulfillment? Of satisfaction? Do you believe in what you do? Do you feel
like what you do matters? Are you making a difference? (And do you want to? Some people don’t, and that’s
totally cool. Some people are content to just clock in and clock out and be
semi-comatose in between, but if that isn’t you, give some thought to how a lack of these feelings could be getting
in the way of your health goals.)
When was the last time you had quiet? Have you had any time recently away from the computer, away from your phone, your pods, pads, and other electronic chains? Have you gone therapeutically incommunicado lately? Even just for a few hours?
Do you like where you live? Are you in an urban apartment
complex when what you long for is a homestead and wide open space? Are you in a
rural area but fantasize about moving to a big city? Is your home a sanctuary,
a solace and respite from the cruel world outside? Do you feel comforted the
minute you walk through the door after a long day, as if the space itself is
wrapping its arms around you? Or did you splurge on a place you can barely afford and worries about the rent/mortgage are now keeping you up at night?

And if you don’t have a significant other, how long has it
been since you did? How long has it been since you walked through the door and
had someone ask how your day was, and they actually cared about your answer? When was the last time you had someone to
call when you were in a crisis, or just feeling out of sorts, and it made you
feel better just to hear their voice?
If you don’t have a partner, that’s all right. Completely fine. Better to be
by yourself than with the wrong person for the sake of appearances or meeting
society’s expectations, or somesuch. But make sure you have a good patch of
friends in your life. People you can turn to, people who “get you.” People who know what kind of day you’ve had just by
looking at you, and would offer to take you out for a beer or possibly an
ass-kicking—whichever you need more.
This is all joy. Human contact. Connection. But it only
works if you have people in your life you enjoy
being with. If you have miserable coworkers, mooching family members, a condescending
and bellicose partner, or other people who are “energy drains” (if you have
them in your life, you’ll know), then sometimes it’s actually better to spend
some time by yourself.
And what about hobbies? Do you play an instrument? Build
models? Read? Take photographs? Tinker with electronic gizmos and gadgets? Whatever
it is, do you spend enough time doing it, or is it usually last on your
priority list, such that your guitar case has an inch-thick layer of dust on
it, or the last camera you bought was from the Clinton administration? Do you
carve out time for the things that bring you joy? (Even just a little bit. We’re
all living in the mad rat race, and we can’t exactly spend hours upon hours
every day indulging our inner children, but we owe it to ourselves—and to those
around us—to move these enjoyable activities a little further up the list. I
assure you, that pile of laundry ain’t goin’ anywhere, so unless you’re
literally down to your last clean pair of underwear, it can wait ‘til tomorrow.
[And even then, if you’re a brave soul, you could just go commando and buy
yourself a few more days.] And that messy bedroom? It’ll still be messy next
week. Clean it then. Go do something fun.)
Does your hobby involve the outdoors? Does any of your life involve not being boxed in by four walls and a
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SO much better than
pill bottles.
When was the last time you spent time outside? Specifically
in a green, wooded area? The therapeutic benefits of fresh air, sunlight, and green spaces are off the charts. We
feel better when we’re exposed to the natural environments our bodies evolved
to expect: blue sky; green scenery; the sound of a breeze ruffling the leaves;
the clean, crisp smell of fresh air that comes from live trees and even
decaying organic matter on a forest floor. And let’s not forget coastal areas.
Personally, I hate beaches, but mostly I hate them during the day, when they’re
a zillion degrees and reek of Coppertone, and instead of the sound of the waves,
what I hear are toddlers whining or rap music blaring from the spot someone’s staked
out a hundred yards away. (Not to mention cigarette smoke! Beaches are one of
the few places where people can still smoke, and it seems that no matter how
far away I am from a smoker, the smell drifts directly toward my face. But I
There’s a reason vacations “at the coast” or “by the sea”
were practically prescription drugs back in the day. What do we get on a beach?
(Preferably when the sun is going down, and it’s quiet, and all there is is the
sound of the waves crashing, amazingly fresh air, and a fantastic Technicolor
display the sky puts on for free.) We
get the sea air. Loaded with
minerals. And we literally soak them up, even if we don’t dip a toe into the
ocean. That air lands on our skin, right? Well, quick lesson: we can absorb
minerals through our skin. (Why do you think they have magnesium gels?) It
lands on our skin, but we also breathe it
in. Talk about a much more fun and natural
way to get some minerals than popping supplements and hoping for the best!
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Cost of therapy: FREE.
So yeah…when was the last time you really got outdoors? A
nice walk or hike in a wooded space would probably be best, but at the very
least, maybe stepping out your front door on a weekday morning just for five minutes to breathe in the calm,
quiet morning before you’re off to the races until quittin’ time. I honestly believe fresh air is medicine. Maybe not as high-quality medicine if all you have access to is a parking lot on a
busy thoroughfare, but I’m sure you can find time—even just a little, a couple
days a week—to get away from the traffic and just breathe, and be.
Am I a total nerd for saying that? That I believe our bodies
expect these inputs? The sound of the
birds chirping, the sight of a cloud changing shape overhead? We didn’t evolve
to be inside gray buildings, with gray carpet, in gray cubicles, staring at
screens all day.
There’s been a lot of buzz about vitamin D recently. How
much is enough? Are “low” levels really that low? Do we even need to care?
Should all of us be supplementing, regardless? Chris Masterjohn has some awesome work (as always) on this. And naturopathic doctor Bryan Walsh also had an eye-opening look at vitamin D. It seems that cranking up our D levels as high as possible isn’t
necessarily the wisest thing to do. Plenty of conditions that one would think might respond to vitamin D, don’t.
And sometimes people get their levels higher but don’t feel any better.
So this got me thinking: even though we know that vitamin D
is a pro-hormone and has obvious and undisputed physiological effects, since
health doesn’t always improve with higher vitamin D from synthetic supplements,
and since we associate vitamin D levels with sunlight exposure, what if vitamin D levels are really just a proxy
for being outdoors? (In which case, it's not just about the sunlight, but all the other things we experience outside, whether or not we even realize we're experiencing them.)

And what about laughter? When was the last time you had a
belly laugh? A laugh from deep within yourself that made your cheeks hurt when
you finally stopped? How often do you smile? And I mean really smile, not one of those fake, one-off smiles that goes along
with the, “I’m good, how are you” falsehood. How long has it been since
something moved you to give a real, honest smile? The kind you feel down to your toes?
I know this all sounds a little “out there.” Believe me, I
know. But I’m also speaking from personal experience. A lot of the positive
inputs I’ve mentioned here have been missing from my life for a long time. A long time. And I’ve only just recently
realized how devastating this is. But now that I have realized, I can do something about it. Like I said, I’m a work
in progress, myself. I’m a nutritionist, but that doesn’t mean I’m in perfect
health. I have no major complaints,
but for sure there are a few things that aren’t where I’d like them to be. And
I do still eat too much sugar, and I don’t get anywhere near enough
sleep. But even so, I don’t feel that my body composition (and some other stuff)
reflects the quality of my overall diet or my dedication to exercise. And it’s
occurred to me that these other factors are likely playing a role.
I also know this because there was a time in my life when
everything came together. I loved my job, loved my coworkers, had a schedule that
was in sync with my natural circadian rhythm, looked forward to most of what I
did throughout the day—BUT—my diet wasn’t as “clean” as it is now. It was
pretty darn good compared to the standard American diet, but I ate my share of
ice cream, garlic bread, Nutella, and stuff like that. (Not together, of
course!) And you know what? I was in the absolute best shape of my life. Physically and psychologically. I
felt like a million bucks most days.
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The reason I look so happy is
because I was.
And the funniest part? I was in a war zone.
I’m talking about my brief deployment to Iraq in 2008. I ate
“worse” than I do now, but I looked and felt better. So what gives? I can tell you that not all the factors I’ve
mentioned here were relevant. There was approximately zero green space at Balad Air Base, and if you’ve followed the news
at all during the last few years, you know we had less fresh air and more toxic
fumes from the burn pits. And I was single at the time, so no significant other, but I was surrounded by
people I really loved being with. My feelings, my approach to life, my “aura,”
for lack of a better word—the energy I was putting into the universe—was so
much more positive, and it reflected back to me with amazing health and
physique. (I told you this would be a little woo-woo.) If you see the picture of me at the top right corner of this
website, it was taken not long after I returned home from that deployment. I was able to achieve that look while eating
some things certain people in this health community wouldn’t touch with a
ten-foot pole. What I’m trying to say is, I was able to be
less strict with my diet, yet enjoyed great health inside and out, because so
many of these other things had fallen
into place.
If you’re interested in this kind of perspective, I encourage you to check out a question that was posed on Paleohacks a while back. Here’s the link. Read the question that was posed and then scroll down to see my reply. (It should be the first one below the question.)
Let’s take a look at graph number one.
Here, someone is spending all their time in the negative section.
The section where the darker thoughts and feelings reign: worry, anxiety, fear,
self-doubt, insecurity, pessimism, etc. This is not a fun place to be. Believe me, I know. I’ve spent way too much time there, myself. It is
more damaging than we can possibly realize—emotionally, obviously, but also
physically. (You’ve heard of the mind-body connection, right?)
And how about graph number two?
This is someone sitting at
baseline. It’s a vast improvement over the first graph, right? This person has
pulled themselves out of the emotional quicksand. So we’d rather be here than
down in the dumps, but this doesn’t look like the emotional curve of someone
who’s enjoying life, does it? So
while this is way better than #1, it’s still not where we want to be. With
stress management, calming down, learning to roll with the punches, we bring
ourselves out of the basement. But look where that leaves us: along the
flatline. We can do better than that.
How about number three?
Here, our subject spends all his/her time in happy unicorn
wonderfulness. Nothing ever goes wrong. He/she
loves everybody and everything, and never has a negative or vindictive thought
about anything, ever.
Now that’s just plain ridiculous.
I mean, it sounds
good, but it’s simply unrealistic.
I think most people would feel pretty darn good here, on
graph number four. We’d spend most of our time at our normal baseline, some
time feeling insanely good, and, as is only natural, once in a while we’d dip
down into the blues.
The difference between graphs 2 and 4 are at the heart of
this post. When I talk about the clients who do manage their stress, and who do exercise, and who do eat a very good diet, those people
might be at graph 2. They have no major “problems,” and yet, something’s missing. They can’t identify what; they
just know something isn’t quite right. And when I talk about vitamin J—love,
hobbies, green spaces, stargazing, human connection, fulfillment, a sense of purpose—that
brings us more to graph 4. Everything else was already in line, but now we’ve
got a couple of things in our lives that give us those occasional moments of
really, truly, loving the skin we’re in.
What are your thoughts? Does any of this resonate with you? I'd love to start an honest dialogue about all this.
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
“You should follow the most restrictive diet you can enjoy, not the most restrictive one you can tolerate.” A-freaking-MEN.)
ReplyDeleteI like it!
(btw, beautiful sunset image, makes me want to grab my watercolors and start painting)
Seriously, this post for president. So TRUE.
ReplyDeleteHehheh...thanks for your vote! ;-)
DeleteA great article Amy. Your Vitamin J is a great hook. How can we bottle that and sell it?
ReplyDeleteIt still amazes me how many people these days take life so seriously and never allow the time for the inner child to escape.
I remember as a kid back in the early 50's Grandma always said life was something to be enjoyed (and not get hung up about) and about balance and moderation. Eat good food, what's in season and mix it up, a glass or two of red wine (but know when to stop), do some sort of exercise every day and find something to laugh about each day. What others say about you is not your problem so stop worrying and start living. She lived to the ripe old age of 96.
Cheers - John F
Thank you for this!
ReplyDeleteThis is my work right here - so many people are lifeless in pursuit of an ideal... they are/feel restrictive, negative, minimal, less, small, alone. When they could approach health as a thing you gain... not by tracking, but by living a full life with passion, abundance, purpose, owning their space, sharing, having more to give, growing.
I'll be sharing this message widely :)
Thanks for the comments, everyone! This post has over 1300 views...a record for my humble little blog. (And over 700 of them were just from yesterday!) Does anyone know what's going on? Did someone "famous" (at least in our little ancestral health world) post this on their site or FB page? Chris Kresser was kind enough to include it in his most recent Roundup post and they also linked to it on PaleoLeap, but that was a week or two ago, and with 700+ hits yesterday, I suspect something else is up. Not complaining! Just want to know where this is coming from so I can thank them! ;-)
ReplyDeleteNot sure about what happened a few days ago but this was posted by Mark Sisson in in his Weekend Link Love on MDA today (which brought me to your lovely post!)
DeleteIt was mentioned on the Wheat Belly blog, then from there it came to the wheatfreeforum. I'm sure you got LOTS of hits from those.
DeleteI love your post... and it was linked recently on MDA under the weekend link love section (which is how I found it :)
DeleteYour hits should go through the roof, since Mark Sisson put it on his weekend link love! Lucky you! Feel the love!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you have hit it right on the button. Why is it that we can make ourselves so miserable (and often unhealthy) trying to be perfect, but if we're not perfect and we just accept it - no, love it! - we can be so free and joyous? Like Ram Dass said, Be Here Now.
Mark Sisson has linked to this post. It enjoyed reading it, and appreciate the concept of vitamin j -- indeed love, hobbies, green spaces, stargazing, human connection, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose are all important ingredients to flourishing. I like the emphasis on the value of introspection. too. This is key, it seems. But this does not come naturally to many or most people, and perhaps a discussion about how to productively introspect in warranted.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think I'm a little *too* introspective. If I could learn to go with the flow a little more, I'd probably feel more at peace in any given moment than I usually do. Overall, though, I agree -- some people just sort of go through the motions, not giving much deep thought to anything. (And then again, ignorance is bliss, sometimes. If you don't know what else is out there, or what your life *could* be like, then you tend to feel fairly content with how things are.)
DeleteI believe, Amy, that you've hit the proverbial nail directly on the head. Great post. By the way have you ever heard of Norman Cousins, the man who cured himself with laughter? http://www.myhyena.com/2007/09/17/norman-cousins-laughter-best-medicine/
ReplyDeleteHey D.M., thanks for reading! Yes, actually, I reviewed his book right here a while back: http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2013/06/book-review-anatomy-of-illness.html
DeleteMark Sisson included it in his Weekend Link Love (where I came across it). Thank you for such a thoughtful post!
ReplyDeleteThank You
ReplyDeleteYour post hit me exactly where I needed hitting. I've struggled being 'happy', doing all the things I thought I was supposed to do- but recently I've figured out it's not enough. I've realized it's better to have that ice cream and walk along the river, then obsess about whether or not I should be eating dairy. It's better to flake off a responsibility that can wait, and head outside with your significant other once in a while. In the past, when I started on my nutritional/health journey, I thought it was all about self control and structure, about doing the right thing for my body, even if my brain wanted something else. But now, I've realized that this is simple not true. Happiness- or vitamin J- comes from living your life with awareness and freedom, about finding that balance between control and flight.
ReplyDeleteEverything you've written about here has really brought all of this home for me, tied up into a neat little bow. I worry so much about controlling a situation, about controling how I feel- I say to myself "am I happy now? how about now? Now???" but no, when I question myself in this way I am not happy *at all*. I think vitamin j only exists in the moment, where we forget to question ourselves, forget to think about either the next moment, or the one that came before the one we're living in.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful, well thought out post. I'm currently in college and plan on being a psychologist, and these are the very ideas I plan on incorporating into my practice when I reach the end of the college road. I found you from Mark Sisson's website, and had been just been thinking to myself- where are the insightful paleo females??? I guess I found you. :)
Much appreciation!
Hey Jordan, yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to get across! Glad it hit home for you. And I've learned it the hard way, too. Vitamin J has been missing from my life for way too long. It's not easy to get it back, but I'm trying. (What good is it having optimal omega-6/3 ratios or carb intake if you just feel *blah* about your *life*? No amount of cod liver oil is gonna make that better. If only it were that simple, right?) ;-)
DeleteMaybe it's a human thing to try to make everything orderly and logical...if I do X, Y, and Z, then I will get these results.... yes, if only it were that simple.
DeleteThis is sooooo true!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! My roommate is always telling me to find what makes me happy. As i read the article i can see that he does most of the things you discussed and doesnt follow a patticular diet but is
ReplyDeletehappier and healthier than a lot of people i know. Excellent article and not a bit woo woo.
WOW, now this post will make you think. It sounds like you knew me, and you wrote exactly what I was thinking. Now I cant wait for your follow-up. How do you get out of all of the stuff that you acquired while chasing "The American Dream" .
ReplyDeleteHow to get out of it? Oy...when I figure out *that* secret, I'll let you know!
DeleteA very real post.
ReplyDeleteUsually follow your blog, but missed this one. However, Mark Sisson's linked to it so I've had a chance to read it. Hope they never bottle the Vitamin J, so people go out to get it. Missing it myself. Thanks. J.
Great post!!! Exactly what I needed to read in this moment of my life. I got here through Mark Sisson post on FB ;). Greetings from Ecuador :).
ReplyDeleteLoooooooved your reply at Paleohacks, it is AWE-SOME!!!!
ReplyDeleteMay I steal it, translate it to spanish, and teach some people what is going wrong with thier lives?
Thanks, keep blogging!
Si, por supuesto, traducirlo. No hay problema en compartirlo. :) !Y gracias para (por?) leer!
DeleteOops...sorry. I forgot the command form for "translate." Estudiaba el espanol en la universidad, pero ha pasado mucho, mucho tiempo en que no lo hablaba mucho. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you wrote this, I needed to read it. I obsess way too much about health, and I'm pretty freaking healthy. I feel guilty for eating omega-6 fries or a brownie, when in reality it's not a big deal. I search for new super foods but why not just eat cabbage? One thing does make me feel better, more at peace and that is being outside. It's encouraging to read that someone else thinks the same thing. Who cares about the latest diet trend? Get up and enjoy life! :)
ReplyDelete*EXACTLY.* Thanks for the nice comment!
DeleteI recently backed off on trying too hard to eat only paleo foods and my stress symptoms have greatly decreased. Balance, anyone? Now I just need to find a new source for vitamin J in my life. Working on gratitude seems to be helping with that one.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I need; I'm sorely lacking in all areas. Hoping I can find motivation around the depression/anxiety/brain fog to work towards graph 4 soon so I can get my head above water; drowning in Graph 2 is ...no ...fun. :-(
ReplyDeleteAbel James, the Fat-Burning Man, shared this on his FB. That's how I found it. Thanks for sharing your excellent insight and clarity!
ReplyDeleteThis is so spot on. I kinda wish I wrote it:)
Fixing food/sleep etc is easy and so people are always gravitated towards looking there for answers. However, more often than not the missing link is related to their life and all the things you mentioned.
I work primarily with women who have 'issues' with food and weight and I always tell them that the answer to their body woes is not food. It's by cultivating self-love and esteem by living a life that fun and aligned to their purpose and values. Once you begin to recognize and work on that, the issues with food start to dissolve.
I will be sharing this with my followers for sure.
PS: I ate so much gelato when I was in Italy and I enjoyed every damn spoonful without gaining a pound.
Thanks! Yes...sometimes diet is actually *easier* to change than one's job/marriage/living situation, so we look there first, but if diet isn't the problem, then diet isn't the answer. And I believe it about the gelato! ;-) (My personal weakness is probably ice cream. I don't eat it very often, but when I do, I indulge shamelessly for a day or two and then not again for a while.)
ReplyDeleteMy problem is not that Im trying to tweak a little thing...I am obese, have some body pain still and can not lose wgt even in KETOSIS. Yes, its a well formulated diet plan Im using and I use supplements such as fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend (Vit A, D & K plus EFAs).
ReplyDeleteI am trying to tweak my diet becuz I am SICK still.
I wish I had such problems that simply required being more joyful. I rly do.
Well of course this doesn't reply to *everyone.* I find the people who could focus more on "vitamin J" are the ones who have just about everything else in line, but are still experiencing nagging symptoms that they can't pin down to anything else. These people are typically already fairly lean, and are either looking to lose "the last 5-10 pounds" or maybe don't want/need to lose anything, but their health is still inexplicably lagging.
DeleteAs for you what you might be experiencing, all I can say it, keto isn't for everyone. You can lose weight without being "in ketosis," and you can be in ketosis and not lose weight. I hope you're working with someone knowledgeable about this and not shooting in the dark by yourself. There could be some underlying hormonal things getting in the way of fat loss if you do have a substantial amount to lose and it's not going anywhere, even on very low carb. If you're not already working with someone, feel free to contact me. I do consultations via phone and Skype if you're not in my local area. Even if you don't want to book a consultation, I'd be happy to try and do some troubleshooting if I can, free of charge. My first suggestion would be to look at your cortisol output. Subclinical Cushing's? Estrogen dominanc? But here, I am completely speculating, since I really know nothing about your situation.
Oops! That was supposed to be *apply* to everyone, not "reply."
DeleteHi Amy
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great post - and clearly strikes a chord with a lot of other people. Humans are nature, we shouldn't just be looking at it out of a window (or even on the telly). I think you'd enjoy the Rewild Yourself podcast from Daniel Vitalis - and especially this podcast, which really reinforces your feelings on getting outside and smelling the hummus! https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/rewild-yourself!-podcast-daniel/id892905009?mt=2 Give it a whirl - the second half especially.
Thanks, Alice! (And thanks for taking the time to read it. Definitely my longest post.) Vitalis is a bit controversial, but I'll give that podcast a listen. We've definitely become "zoo humans" -- and only a few of us even realize it.
DeleteHi, this is Carrie AKA My Meatomorphosis from the Low Carb for Better Health event at Montgomery Bell Park outside of Nashville. This post resonates as much now as it did when I read it close to 10 years ago. So powerful! I'm so glad I got to meet you. Love and blessings to you