Heck of a post title, huh? Partitioning and
binary. That’s two scary-ish words
and we haven’t even gotten started yet. If I’m not careful, someone’s going to
think I actually know something about science and/or the human body. (Some days
I’m not so sure, to be honest with ya.)
welcome back to the series on fuel partitioning. Recall from the last couple of posts that we’re thinking
about the human body as a hybrid car. It’s not a perfect comparison, but it’s
suiting us fairly well so far. Two posts ago, we did a little bit of math and determined that, gram for gram,
molecule for molecule, fats seem like a more efficient fuel than carbohydrates.
Last time, we talked about how the body “runs on” different types of fuel, and
we went right to the gas tank, to see what kind of fuel the body stores the
most of—that is, which fuel the gas tank seems to prefer to hold in reserve. Here again, it seems like fat trumps carbs. (Remember that nifty chart? The one that showed the human body doesn’t keep a lot of
carbohydrate on hand, but it’ll tuck away fat like a champ?)
that we’ve had that little refresher, we’ve got important ground to cover
today, so let’s get going. (Kind of scary that I could compress two long blog posts into one paragraph. I’ve said it before: brevity was never my strong
suit. In fact, my strong suit is at the cleaner’s right now. *Ba-dump-tsch!*)
we go any further into fats versus carbs versus ketones versus chocolate
cheesecake as fuel sources, we need to set the record straight. I left off last
time saying that we would answer questions like: Is fuel partitioning absolute?
If I’m running on fat, does that mean I’m not using any carbohydrate at all? Can my entire body run on fat or ketones? Does my body need at least some glucose?
here goes. Let’s spoil the surprise right here at the outset. Fueling the human
body is not a binary system: one or zero; yes or no; on or off; fats or carbs. Like any good integrated system of systems, the human
body has multiple redundancies, checks and balances, and failsafes, all
designed to prevent single points of failure. These backups and overlaps ensure
that pretty much regardless of what we put down our pieholes, our bodies can
get the fuel they need. (For the most part, that is, and in the short term.
This is not true for the longer term. Eventually, deficiencies will appear if we’re not sufficiently
nourished, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.)
The human body is rarely absolute about anything. There are metabolic and biochemical
pathways, and for the most part,
where one pathway predominates, another is limited. (Not shut off entirely, just limited.) Where one thing is stimulated,
another is inhibited. (Usually because of scary things like enzymes, many of
which counterbalance each other in stunningly orchestrated biochemical dances
that no ballroom dance choreographer could
ever hope to dream up. More on this next time.) The body isn’t wasteful. It has redundancies
and overlaps, but these are intended to protect us. To keep us alive. They’re there for a
reason. Beyond that, the body isn't going to waste energy simultaneously running processes that are antagonistic
to each other. (For example: when you’re breaking down glycogen in order to
release glucose into your bloodstream, you’re not also making glycogen for
the purpose of storing glucose. ‘Cuz that would be stupid, right? Same thing
with fat: if your body is actively storing
fat, it’s not simultaneously burning a whole lot of it.)
on carbohydrates and running on fats & ketones are not mutually exclusive.
To some extent, we run on all of them at the same time. This happens for a few
different reasons. The three main ones are: 1) The type of activity being
fueled; 2) The type of cells/tissue performing the activity; and 3) The
hormonal milieu under which the activity is occurring. Let’s tackle them in
order. Before we do, though, keep this in mind: there’s a reason I keep
throwing in phrases like “generally speaking,” “for the most part,” and “rarely.”
When it comes to fueling the body, it would be irresponsible of me to use the
words “always” and “never.” (Except maybe when talking about my human body. In that case, cashews are always yummy.)
Type of activity being fueled (slightly oversimplified)
Type of activity being fueled (slightly oversimplified)

you’re a fan of Robb Wolf, you’ve probably
heard him use the phrase “glycolytically demanding” when referring to certain forms of exercise. That means they require a lot of glycolysis and/or glycogen
breakdown – i.e., a lot of glucose. He
is referring to intense activity—CrossFit, intense lifting, sprinting, for
example—that is fueled more by carbohydrate than by fat. Again, this isn’t a
binary all-or-nothing deal, just a balancing act where, in this case, the
balance leans toward carbs. (Before anyone gets up in arms because I’m saying
intense activity is usually glycogen dependent, I fully acknowledge right here
and now that there are elite athletes who are “fat-adapted”
and largely fuel darn near any
exercise on fat, but I’ll spare you yet another potential 200-page post and
table that subject for another time.)
so the intense stuff is fueled (mostly) by carbs. What about the non-intense
stuff? What about a nice, comfortable stroll through the park? What about
gardening, or vacuuming, or mowing the lawn? (All of which can be intense if
you want them to be, but can also be fairly slow.) What about all the stuff I’ve
said before we don’t think of as “exercise” or “burning calories,” but which
does use energy? Think about it:
pretty much anything we do requires at least some energy, even just sitting in
your chair reading this blog. (Think about all the postural muscles in your
back and neck working hard just to keep you upright the entire time you’re there on your rear end. And they're working even harder if you have a stand-up desk.) All
that kind of sittin' around doin' nothin' type activity is mostly fueled by fat. (Remember the heart rate chart:
when your heart rate is in the lower range, that’s the “fat burning zone.”
[Though I still hesitate to use that to help make the point.])

yeah: intense activity, lots of heavy lifting, stuff that makes you completely
exhausted at the end? Probably more glycogen (carb) dependent. Not so
intense? Fueled more by fat. This is why people who do intense activity generally fare better with a little bit more carbohydrate in their diet (and
glycogen storage in their muscles) than folks who do not regularly pound themselves into the ground. If you've spent any time around various Paleo, Primal, or low-carb forums, you'll recognize this as a reason some people who participate frequently in intense athletics feel like dog excrement and decide that those dietary approaches "don't work." The simple truth is, they just need a bit more carbs in their diet than someone who's trying to lose weight or reverse metabolic derangement.)
I’m pretty sure I’ve made my point with the “generally” and “mostly” stuff, so
I’m gonna cut it out going forward. Just remember that none of this black and
Type of cells/tissue
performing the activity
you know that some types of cells can’t
use fats for fuel? And that some don’t do so well on glucose? This is why, regardless of what type of food is
coming in, and even regardless of the hormonal situation, the body is fueled by
multiple kinds of fuel at all times.

Enterocytes: These are the cells that line the
small intestine. And what is one of their big jobs? To move nutrients (such as glucose) from the lumen of the intestine
into the bloodstream, yes? (Yes.) So what good would it do if these cells used
that glucose to fuel themselves? The rest of the body wouldn’t get its requisite
share. (Greedy lil’ sum’bitches!) So instead of glucose, the main fuels for
these intestinal cells are the amino acids L-glutamine and

some more people smarter than me: “The heart has virtually no
glycogen reserves. Fatty acids are the heart’s main source of fuel, although
ketone bodies as well as lactate can serve as fuel for heart muscle. In fact, heart muscle consumes acetoacetate
in preference to glucose.” (Emphasis mine. If you have no idea what
acetoacetate is, don’t worry. The point is, the heart runs on at least two different
types of fuel better than it runs on
cells: The liver is
the main site of ketone production, but hepatocytes don’t use ketones all that much. They’re just like the RBCs and enterocytes:
if they consumed the bulk of the products they’re supposed to be exporting to
the rest of the body, that would be some pretty bad metabolic juju. Again,
according to the experts:
“α-Ketoacids derived from the degradation of amino acids are the liver’s own
fuel. Furthermore, the liver cannot use acetoacetate as a fuel, because it has
little of the transferase needed for acetoacetate’s activation to acetyl CoA. Thus, the liver eschews the fuels that it
exports to muscle and the brain.” (English translation: the liver doesn’t
use all that much glucose or ketones. It spares them for other parts of the
body that need them.)
Brain cells: The brain requires glucose. No two
ways about it. Even the most ardent low-carber can’t deny that the brain needs
glucose. However, it doesn’t need as much
glucose as we tend to think it does, as
long as the glucose debt is made up for by fuel coming from an alternative
source, like ketones. Sadly, fatty acids are generally not used as fuel for
the brain. Glucose and ketones are the main players up in your noggin. “Fatty acids do not serve as fuel for the brain, because they are bound to albumin in plasma and so do
not traverse the blood-brain barrier. In starvation [OR CARBOHYDRATE
RESTRICTION, says Amy] ketone bodies generated by the liver partly replace
glucose as fuel for the brain.”
The hormonal
milieu under which the activity is occurring
post is already super-long, but let’s see if I can sum up the effects of
hormones quickly.
Right. Sum up quickly? As they say
across the pond, “Not bloody likely!” I can do it more quickly than you’d
think, but I’ll end here for now and get that last bit posted sometime later in
the week. I may have gone a little too deep into the various cells above, but what can I say; I'm fascinated by this stuff and like sharing nifty information with people. If you were bored, no worries. At least now we're scientifically accurate and are all on the same page regarding what we mean when we talk about the body using different fuels and this not being black and white. The next post will be a little more relevant in terms of what governs fuel partitioning.
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
I commented on one of your posts a few weeks ago as anonymous, but a different anonymous commented last week. Hey, You might have two more readers;-)
ReplyDeleteThird reader here !! - great stuff Amy. I'm really enjoying the science bits in your posts.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLuckily I keep my dictionary and nutrition books close by, along with the recipe books. Think I may have to find a recipe for chocolate cashew cheesecake. Some words seem to stick in the brain after reading....
Can't say blame you! Those tree sound like a good combination. ;-)
DeleteI am learning so much reading this!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Now all I need is a couple thousand more people to feel the same way, and then HIRE ME. ;D (BTW: Is this the "TM" I think it is?)
DeleteThanks for valuable information!
ReplyDeleteThanks for valuable information!
ReplyDeleteThis is so good! You answered so many of my questions, thank you for that. And I love your writing style, really.