That pledge I made to write shorter posts? Yeah, not happening today. Not
happening for the next 2-3 posts, in fact. But once we get past me talking
about my food & exercise, I
really am going to try to keep things
more succinct and reader-friendly. Just don’t hold it against me if that doesn’t
here we are. The post you may or may not have been waiting for, but here it is
nonetheless. Today I’ll give you the rundown on what I’m doing with my diet
that I think is helping me feel (and maybe look) better than I did a few months
ago, when I posted about feeling like a fraud. To bring you up to speed, last time, I covered my supplements. And assuming at least
some of the page hits on that one are legitimate and not all of them are coming from automated search engines in Russia and
China (although there is a freakish amount of those), there are a couple of people out there who are curious about what I’m
doing these days. Oddly enough, my posts about beef shanks and beef hearts have way more hits, but on the off chance that someone out there
finds something new or interesting here, I’ll yammer on for a bit about what
I’m eating.
hard for me to imagine that anyone really
wants to know what I put down my piehole, but I said I would share, and I don’t
want to renege on that. I’m no rock star, but
people seem to be fairly curious about what nutrition and health-minded professionals eat. Since I am technically in that latter category, even though my influence is small
at the moment, it couldn’t hurt to give you a glimpse into what’s on my plate
and in my fridge.
So I’ll
talk about my chow for a post or two, then my exercise habits, and then we’ll
get back to the blog’s regularly scheduled programming. (For a look at what’s
coming up, see this post.)
Fine Print
we jump in, let me caveat things: What I said about supplementation is equally
true of diet: this is what I’m
doing, and what is working for me.
These are not recommendations customized for you. If you find something of interest and decide to try something
a little different in your own routine, be my guest. Just know that this is not
a prescription or a protocol. It’s just my grub. What I eat, and when-ish I eat it.
As we
get into things, you’ll see that some of what I do goes quite against what
we’re used to hearing about what and when we should eat. I am breaking some major dietary commandments. (But then,
many of those commandments come from the same people who brought us the
low-fat, high-carb diet, and we all know what a resounding success that’s been.)
Still, some of what I do goes against even the more ancestral-type
recommendations. *Shrug.* What can I
say? I am a work in progress. There’s plenty of room for improvement, and I am
trying to make there be less of that
over time. I’m making slow progress, but I stand by what I said about things
being better than they were a while back. If you’re looking for perfection or
dietary sainthood, this isn’t the blog for you. There’s more to life than what we eat.
more caveat before we jump in: The things that work for me work because I’m me. Your
job/lifestyle/childcare situation/medical conditions might preclude you from
doing some of what I do. I have no known gluten intolerance. I only have to
cook for myself. I don’t have to take into consideration the taste preferences
and/or food intolerances of a picky or uncooperative spouse, or finicky kids. I
am beholden to no one’s schedule but my own. I can go food shopping, cook, and
eat when it suits me. Also, I don’t
mind leftovers. Even though I’m cooking for one, I often cook in big batches and am perfectly happy to
eat the same thing for lunch or dinner three and even four nights in a row. If
this doesn’t describe you, no problem. The world needs its high-maintenance
eaters. (I still love ya!) You can make big batches anyway. Just freeze some,
so instead of leftovers the next night (and the night after that), you can defrost it say, a week or
a month later, when it’ll seem “new” again. Sweet!
Am Not a Zealot
what am I up to with my diet? Not a
whole lot, actually. That is, not a whole lot that’s unique, special, or
super-shiny and new. Just the basics. Imagine that. When you eat real food, it
kind of just works. If you’re looking
for the stellar new program that will tell you exactly what to eat, how much of
it, and when, down to the finely calibrated ounce, gram, and minute, you’re
gonna be disappointed here. I kinda just eat. If you do want someone to treat you like a three-year-old and dictate in no
uncertain terms what, when, and how to eat, I’m sure someone, somewhere, has
that for sale for $19.99. (But only if you act now! The price goes up tomorrow!)
I do
try to manage things somewhat, but it’s at a systemic level, taking into
account some basic physiology and endocrinology. I’ve said before that I don’t
weigh, measure, or portion anything out. If you have the time and inclination
to do that, more power to ya. Honestly, I can’t be bothered. I love food.
I love cooking. I love eating. I refuse to turn those into an adventure in
advanced calculus. (Yes, tracking can be helpful, and I've done it in the past. Right now, though, I'm not into it.)
Because I don’t weigh, measure, or
track anything, there’s a chance I’m consuming fewer calories overall than I
had been. But if I am, the thing to keep in mind is, I’m not trying to. I am not actively restricting
anything or forcing myself to go hungry for extended periods of time. Some
days, I’m fairly certain I am
consuming relatively few calories. But others, I load up on fat like nobody’s
business. So in the end, over the course of a few days, it’s probably a wash.
still not 100% “clean,” “Paleo,” or sugar- or gluten-free, nor do I feel any
burning desire to get there. But I’m better than 80/20, and way better than the 70/30 I talked about a few months ago. I definitely
don’t feel like a fraud anymore. Let’s put it at about 88/12. Since I’m not
claiming to be 100%, my “88”
includes things the zealots would consider either totally verboten, or part of
their off-roading “12,” but whatever. I’m more low-carb than I am Paleo. For me, my best success seems to come
from managing my total carbohydrate intake, whether those carbs come from
potatoes, or fruit, or chocolate, or—*gasp!*—bread.
For example, my “allowed” 88% includes peanuts
and cashews, and I have no problem advertising that I enjoy these delicious,
fat- and protein-rich legumes. Yes, they’re legumes,
but in terms of carb content, they’re not exactly kidney beans (never mind
sugar cubes), know what I mean? I also keep things like GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread or Suzie’s Thin Cakes on hand for the rare occasion
when I want something with a crunch
that’s darn near impossible to replicate with coconut and almond flour. (And I
mean a crispy crunch; not the kind of
crunch you get from, say, raw celery.)
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So when
I say “88/12,” the “allowed” foods that fall into my 88 include a few things the orthodox eaters out there would
consider “cheating.”
Fasting / Insulin / Hormonal Regulation of Appetite

I’ve cleaned things up a bit. One thing that has helped a lot is waiting a
while to eat in the morning. I don’t like calling this “fasting,” because
fasting implies a few things I don’t necessarily think are happening with me.
I’m just not eating first thing in the morning, that’s all. I’ve found that if
I eat fairly early, I turn into a bottomless pit for the rest of the day. It’s
like flipping a switch. Even if what I
eat is low-carb, it seems to trigger hunger throughout the rest of the day far
more than if I’d eaten nothing. And maybe this is a sign that eating regularly “keeps
the metabolism up,” but I find it more likely that it just messes with my
physiology and spurs me to feel like I
need far more food than my body actually
requires. So yes, like I mentioned earlier, there’s a chance my skimping on
food earlier in the day results in a net decrease in total caloric intake, but
when evening comes, you best believe I am
chowing down. So it’s hard to say. (Maybe sometime soon I will get over myself
and start plugging everything into Fitday
to see where I fall. Could be revelatory.)

I have
really been taking this to heart the past few months, keeping my insulin & glucose levels low-ish for as long as possible until later in the day.
The longer I go without spiking blood glucose and insulin, the more my body is
required to use fat (both my stored body fat and dietary fat I eat from
whatever low-carb, high-fat meals I do have
in the morning and afternoon) to fuel me. (And remember, as we discussed here, when I say my body is using fat to “fuel me,” I don’t just mean if I
were to go for a run or even be especially active at all. Even just walking to
the bus stop, or sitting around in my cubicle getting work done—my body still
needs to use energy for the zillions of things going on inside it when I’m sitting still—and provided I haven’t
dumped a huge load of carbohydrate into it, my body will provide most of that
energy by using fat.)
So I
usually don’t eat for a few hours after I wake up. I do have coffee with a
generous amount of heavy cream, a sprinkle of stevia, and maybe 1-2tsp of coconut oil, right off the
spoon, if I’m feelin’ frisky. (And that is teaspoons, not tablespoons. This is not even close to Bulletproof Coffee.) Sometimes I even add a splash of sugar-free DaVinci syrup. (Yes, those contain
sucralose. No, I’m not terribly concerned. Go ahead, disown me.) I’ve
tested my blood sugar afterward and it doesn’t seem to affect me. Does that
mean everyone should use Splenda and that it’s totally safe regarding issues other than blood sugar? That is a
decision you will have to make for yourself. (But if you’re female, and you
don’t touch sucralose or saccharin with a ten foot pole, I encourage you to take
a look at the ingredients in your foundation or your body lotion, assuming you
use beauty products beyond just coconut oil, baking soda, and apple cider
vinegar. Make no mistake; your body is eating those just as
surely as if you’d swallowed ‘em.)
– Bueno/No Bueno
most days, I wait until I’m hungry enough for a meal to have my first substantial amount of food for the day. Sometimes, this is around
9am, sometimes it’s 11, sometimes it’s 1pm. It varies. The biggest thing I have
been reminded of is that it’s okay to be hungry. Hunger is a
physiological feeling that many of us—even some of us in the
low-carb/Paleo/Primal/whatever crowd are semi-unaccustomed to. News flash: we don’t have to cram something down our pieholes at the first inkling of wanting
some food. I’ve come to believe it’s actually a good thing to let yourself get hungry. I’m not telling anyone to
starve themselves, but I do recommend getting reacquainted with hunger. You’re not going to starve if
you don’t reach for some grub the instant food starts sounding like a good
idea. In fact, allowing yourself to get good and hungry before eating is
probably the best way to make sure the enzymes and other mechanistic “stuff”
work the way they need to. Your body is supposed
to be able to go several hours without eating—and without you feeling
shaky, lightheaded, irritable, and making everyone around you miserable and
slightly terrified of your mood swings. Thanks to things like lipolysis and
gluconeogenesis, and super-sweet hormones like glucagon, healthy bodies can go
hours (days, even, if ever necessary)
without food.
hypoglycemia is not normal. Think about it from that gool ol’ evolutionary
perspective: It would have been a huge survival DISadvantage to be out roaming the plains/savannah/whatever, and be
caught with symptoms of low blood sugar about 15,000 years before the
appearance of Reese’s pieces. Heck, you’d have been in trouble if you were in a
landscape without fruit, for cryin’
out loud. Like many other animals, we are designed to be able to go safely and comfortably for hours between
feedings. I’m not saying hypoglycemia doesn’t exist, just that it’s not natural.
It’s the product of a messed-up carbohydrate metabolism, largely due to the
modern diet & lifestyle.)
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this is you when it’s been a whopping 3 hours since you last ate, there’s a
you’re eating every 3 hours and having snacks, to boot, tell me when, exactly,
your body has to break down your fat
stores, or has a chance to bring your blood glucose and insulin levels back to
a nice low-ish baseline. (Even if you’re eating lower carb, I think this still
applies. The blood sugar and insulin factors are less impacted there, but even
so, I think the body does good stuff between meals. Autophagy happens all the
time, not just when we’re fasting. Maybe it’s ramped up during a fast, but our bodies “clean up” and clear out debris
whenever we let them, and a good way to interfere
with this beneficial process is to force the body’s focus onto dealing with overly frequent influxes of food
[even low-carb food], and away from repair and regeneration.)
It’s a
good idea to give your body the opportunity to do what it’s supposed to do. You
know what they say: use it or lose it. This is likely why so many high-carb
eaters do have hypoglycemia – their
bodies aren’t accustomed to having to
make glucose from glycerol, lactate, and amino acids. The enzymes involved are
asleep at the wheel because they haven’t been needed in ages. So they are dependent on constant influxes of
carbohydrate. (These are the people for whom those “eat every few hours to keep
your blood sugar up” and “snack on grapes or rice cakes” recommendations were
created. Why is no one asking why these people can’t go 4-5 foodless hours without getting shaky? You shouldn’t have to have something sweet within
reach at all times or risk passing out.)
completely disagree with this: Eat smaller meals and don’t skip the snacks. “When your body goes several hours
without food, it starts to assume it’s never going to get food again, upping the
odds of eating binges and dangerous cravings.” They’re kidding, right? The “starvation
mode” that involves metabolism slowing down and the catabolism of muscle tissue
in order to feed your body when you’ve gone a long time without food IS NOT
to eat every few hours. If they do,
they should ask themselves WHY they are craving food a mere two hours after they
ate. Contrary to Men’s Fitness magazine’s
advice, you will not enter starvation mode and lose precious muscle if you go
three freaking hours without shoving something down your piehole.
I also
completely disagree with this one: Never Skip Breakfast. For all the reasons I stated above, you can imagine how I
feel about this. “Breakfast is the earliest meal of the day.” Yes, that’s true,
but all it means is that it’s your earliest
meal of the day. Whether it happens at 6am or 1pm, it’s still “breakfast,”
because you are breaking the fast, in
that it’s the first time you’re eating anything substantial since going to
sleep the night before. (I’ll refer you again to Kiefer’s article on breakfast, because it’s golden.)
not that I never snack. But when I
do, I try to make it something that will still keep my blood sugar and insulin nice
and low. Most often, I snack on nuts. (A little omega-6? Yes. The hardcore
zealots can bite me. Almonds, pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts ain’t cottonseed
oil, people.) For snacking purposes, I mostly stick to raw nuts. Once in a
while, I’ll do roasted unsalted—not because I have anything against salt [in
fact, I have a post on the awesomeness of salt coming up soon], but because I
find it easier to walk away from raw nuts after a reasonable portion than from
roasted, and much easier than from
roasted & salted. The more doctored up
nuts are, the harder they are to stay away from once I start. (I do not agree
with everything obesity researcher Stephan Guyenet
says, but I will admit there is some
merit to his food reward angle. After all, for most people, a pile of steamed broccoli is less appealing
than that same broccoli covered in bacon and melted cheese, right?)
that I am making a conscious effort to limit snacking, I’ve realized how much of
it I’d been doing. My day-job office is loaded
with candy. Right now, we’re in post-Halloween candy dump mode, but that just
means there’s more than usual, and there’s usually plenty. Donuts, homemade
cookies and cakes, plus candy dishes on many people’s desks, filled with all
the happy, brightly-colored, tempting mini chocolates you can imagine. When I
was feeling angry/depressed/annoyed/bored, they were a 60-second morale boost,
and until I stopped reaching for them on autopilot, I wasn’t aware of just how
often I was doing that. (The homemade stuff got me more often than the cheap candy.
Probably because I couldn’t see the ingredient list. Even now, the homemade
stuff still tempts me, but I’m better about staying away from it. I think of it like a museum: Look, but don't touch. [Most of the time.])
piece here, one piece there…by the end of the day, maybe it was 3 or 4. And
that’s really not that big a deal,
except it can mess with blood sugar,
and it was contributing to the carb creep I mentioned earlier, especially when
combined with the junk I was eating at
home. And probably even more important than carb creep, my grabbing bits
and pieces of this-and-that had become a habit. A regular occurrence, and a
casual one, at that. (I’ve said in the past that little onesie-twosies aren’t so bad. The problem is when those morph into fivesie-sixies.) And that, my friends, I believe is a slippery slope. How
long before I would go back to pasta
and breadsticks, simply because I’m not thinking about the consequences? So
nipping the unconscious snacking in the bud has been very helpful for rewiring
the circuit/disrupting the pattern.
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bite here, a piece there. It adds up. And that's not really a big deal...
until becomes your new normal. |
to real food:
generally have my first meal of the day later than most people. Beyond that, I
tend to eat the majority of my total calories (and carbs) later in the evening.
In theory, by not having eaten all that much earlier on (and most of it being
low-carb anyway), later in the day my glycogen stores are lower and most of the
ingested carbohydrates will go toward replenishing them, rather than being
stored as fat (especially if I had a good workout at some point during the day).
I guess you could say I’m carb and
calorie “backloading” – that is, eating most of my food (including carbs)
later in the day.
is practically a sin punishable by death or excommunication in mainstream and ancestral nutrition land. What can I
say. It’s working for me. (Granted, this is probably the reason I can go many hours without eating in the
morning. If I eat more food at night, it makes sense that I don’t wake up
ravenous.) But I am going to slowly transition myself away from this to see
what happens. There’s a lot of data saying we’re better off eating less as the
day goes on. You know the old phrase, “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a
prince, dinner like a pauper.” Well, I dunno. I feel pretty good eating breakfast
like a serf and dinner like a king, but I’m willing to change it up and see
what happens. It does make sense to me that it’s not the greatest idea to go to
bed on a full stomach, but I can also picture our hunter-gatherer ancestors
sitting down late in the day to feast on the spoils of their hunting and gathering,
and maybe after some storytelling and stargazing, they probably nodded off for
a while. Wild speculation on my part, yes, and of course, we moderns here in
2014 can’t model everything after
what our hominid ancestors did [which might not be “optimal” anyway]. I’m just
saying that while I can see the case for eating more food earlier on in the day
and tapering off as the hours pass, I also don’t think the surest way to health
and weight disaster is eating a large meal at night.
I’ll spare
you any more reading for now and save the specific foods I eat, and how I plan,
prepare, and cook them for another post.
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
Hi Amy,
ReplyDeleteI agree that the notion of 3 meals plus 2 snacks per day is ridiculous - just couldn't fit it in, and I often pretend that I'm hungry 6 hours after lunch (actually my breakfast) just so that I can finish eating dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime. I also have the "problem" of wanting to eat all day if I have breakfast soon after getting out of bed. Only today at my "outdoor fitness" class, the trainer reminded us to get our 3 meals plus 2 snacks in; and get a good meal into us as soon as you get home from training (cripes we exercise out tongues more than our bodies).....I just bite my tongue and think..."well, I'll have nothing until breakfast in about 3 hours time" He is going to give us some information sheets on nutrition - wow, can't wait!! Why am I the only one who doesn't get light headed after pushups; why am I the only one who doesn't have to sit down after a 5 minute circuit? Why is it that I'm by far the slimest (ie least fat) and most toned, and I'm the only one who dares eat saturated fat...by the bucket load! Oh, that's right - I've got high metabolism (but hold on, you just told me that skipping meals and snacks tanks your metabolism); oh well in that case it must be your genes.....Must stop rambling. Thanks for your post. Rosemary
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DeleteHA! *Exactly.* Love it! I bet those nutrition sheets will be very, um..."interesting." ;-)
DeleteYes, eating regular meals is so indoctrinated in our society. I went to see my new young family doctor, and when I mentioned that I occasionally skip meals and do mini-fasts, the first comment was "you shouldn't do that!". The kid inside me, wanted to pout and say "your not the boss of me", but instead we had a small chat about the benefits of intermittent fasting. On a side note about blood levels, I learned that its probably not best to try an intro to Crossfit (after being mostly an office slug / less intense exercise person, for many years), then doing a blood test not long after when the muscles are sore and healing. Leads to a young doctor seeing things in the tests results that one is on a critical path to kidney failure or a heart attack, and a directive to go to emergency right away. The emergency staff were not amused about a false alarm, then again neither was I. : (, but its nice to know the doctor cared. : ) Congrats on the reference to one of your posts my Mark Sisson, the recognition of your efforts is growing.
I'd like to think I'm starting to have a wider audience, but you know what? I submitted that link to MDA myself. What can I say...I thought it was important, and I haven't seen that perspective explained in many other places. :-/
DeleteAs for your doc, yeah, good to know he was alert, but that's a pretty scary overreaction! Glad you're all right. It's interesting what exercise does to us in the short term, versus long. Technically, it's "damaging," right? It tears us up. Acutely, it takes its toll. It's in the healing and recovering from the damage that we get stronger and healthier. And it's funny about the fasting -- back in the day (whenever that officially was), fasting was routinely "prescribed" as therapy! (That's sort of how the ketogenic diet was discovered...ancient docs took notice that seizures stopped when patients fasted. Wasn't long before they made the connection to carbohydrates, specifically.) I hope some of what you said about IF made sense to him/her.
Call me fussy if you must but it seems cashews aren't legumes. They actually are drupes and not exactly nuts (just like almonds) though.