If you’ve never heard of the Real World Paleo Podcast, that’s probably because it’s pretty new. The first episode went
live just this past September. The hosts are Christine Lehmann, MS, NTP, and Stephanie Ewals, NTP.
Christine lives in Alexandria, VA, not far from me, and she and I met when we
took the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner training together back in 2013. Christine
is the “Reverse Diabetes Coach™,”
and Stephanie practices nutritional therapy at Out of the Woods Nutrition, in Minnesota.
Both of these ladies know what they’re doing, and it was a
privilege to be able to share my Alzheimer’s research with them and their
audience. If you’ve read some of my past posts about Alzheimer’s disease, then most of what we discussed won’t be new to
you, but hey, a little refresher never hurt anyone! (Unfortunately, there was a
little bit of feedback on my mic again, but not as bad as when I recorded with
the great Mr. Wolf.)
You can download the podcast
on iTunes, Stitcher, or listen directly through Christine’s website: http://www.reversediabetescoach.com/episode-11-how-you-can-delay-alzheimers-and-dementia/
The show notes in the link above include helpful links to some scientific papers that might be of interest to you if you’d
like to delve into the metabolic and mitochondrial underpinnings of Alzheimer’s.
By the way: the Real World Paleo Podcast is a great show for any friends and family members who
are new to LCHF, Paleo, Primal, and just plain real food. Stephanie and Christine do a great job of introducing
complex concepts and explaining them in simple but informative ways, kind of
like I aim to do on my blog. It might be old news if you’ve been eating this
way for a while now, but for people who are just starting to dip their toes in
these waters, this show is a down-to-earth, non-intimidating way to learn about
healthy fats, the importance of good quality proteins, finding the right amount
and types of carbohydrates for different goals, etc.
Amy Berger, M.S., NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.
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