Hey Everyone,
As you know, I’ve done some work regarding the role of dietary and lifestyle factors in causing, exacerbating, and most
importantly, possibly HELPING Alzheimer’s disease.
For anyone who’s interested
not just in Alzheimer’s, but in using real
food and sensible lifestyle “stuff” to support brain health and cognitive
function in general, I wanted to let you know about a FREE WEBINAR I’m
participating in this Thursday, May 12 at 4pm U.S. Eastern time.
And the best part is, it’s LIVE, so you can chime in to ask
questions! I don’t promise to have all the answers, but hopefully I’ll have some, hehheh. Click here for the details and to register.
The webinar is being produced
by Elisa Haggarty of Culinary Farmacy (is
that a great name or what?). Elisa has also put together a stellar program called
The Brain Fog Solution. Feel like you're living with cobwebs in your brain?
Mind not as sharp as it used to be? Suffer from CRS (Can't Remember Sh*t?) Don’t
accept it as “normal.” You’re not “just getting older,” and you don’t have to sit
there and take it. (Let alone continue helplessly while it gets worse!) Learn how to nourish your body
and brain and stave off the 3pm dash to the vending machine for a sugary
pick-me-up. Get to the root causes of your brain fog, mood swings, energy dips,
and junk food cravings, and then get rid
of them! Click here for details.
To clarify: the webinar is free, but The Brain Fog Solution is a program
available for purchase. (Includes recipes, coaching calls, and tons of other
good stuff you can find out about by checking it out here.)
As always, you know I am pathologically honest here on the blog, so allow me to disclose that I am
an affiliate for The Brain Fog Solution and will receive a small portion of the
registration fee should you choose to participate. If you enjoy my writing but have no brain health and cognition issues, and would like to find some other way to support my blogging
(which takes many, many hours of time, all completely unpaid), a nice way is to make a direct contribution, via the PayPal links toward the right on my website. Not required
at all, but every little bit helps. Thanks! :-) (However long you guess it takes me to write one of my long-ish and well-referenced posts, triple it, and you might be in the ballpark, haha! You know what they say: “Easy reading is damn hard writing.”) You can also click through to Amazon using my affiliate link, and I'll get a tiny portion of the purchase price of whatever you buy, even if it has nothing to do with food, nutrition, or health. Buy anything after going to Amazon from that link and they'll throw a couple cents my way. Sweet! Also, consider purchasing protein powders, stevia, coconut oil, Quest Bars, DaVinci sugar-free syrups, and other goodies from Netrition via my affiliate link. Netrition has by far the best prices I've found on the vast majority of this stuff anywhere, except that I have not yet explored Thrive Market. (With Netrition, there is no sign-up fee, and no commitment. It's just a company to buy stuff from. I've used them for years and have had nothing but great experiences with them.)
Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition and is not to be used
as a substitute for the care and guidance of a physician. Links in this post
and all others may direct you to amazon.com, where I will receive a small
amount of the purchase price of any items you buy through my affiliate links.
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