I missed my four year blogversary!
My blog has existed since
August 2012. I would have celebrated sooner, but August 2016 blew right past
me. (Probably because I was mired in a deep and longstanding depression, which I thought I was starting to come out of, but which is actually back in full force and
only lifted temporarily.) As of this
writing, there are 242 posts. I don’t think I hit my stride until sometime
mid-2013, but there are a couple of gems going back as far as September 2012.
For those of you who found me
a few years into my blathering blogging, and since new people stumble
upon my blog every week, I thought it would be nice to start the new year by
sharing a selection of my personal favorite posts for those of you who have
only recently tuned in, as well as for any of you who are wondering what the
“must read” posts are. (In my opinion, anyway.) I tried to purge all my low
carb and keto-related anger in a few posts prior to the close of 2016 so that I could start 2017
on a more positive note. I can’t promise I won’t post any more rants in the
future (I think we can all agree I’m not physically capable of holding it in),
but I am going to try to stick to things that are a little more scientific, as well as posting tips and insights that are helpful for following these types of diets in the real world.
With no further ado, here are
my top ten favorites, in no particular order, except that the first one is probably nearest
and dearest to my heart and resonates with me, personally, the most deeply:
A takedown of the
idea that obesity causes the myriad
other conditions it’s “associated with” (such as type 2 diabetes, heart
disease, infertility, etc.), rather than it being yet another effect or symptom of underlying metabolic or hormonal dysfunction that is the
true cause of health problems, and which occurs in people of
all shapes and sizes, including those
who are underweight or at a “normal” or “healthy” BMI (whatever the heck that even is, anyway).
If, like me, you are tired of everything from cancer to a broken arm to a
hangnail being blamed on somebody’s body weight, and you’re tired of people
thinking they can make assumptions about someone’s dietary and exercise habits
based on nothing but the size of their body, this one’s for you!
An 8-part series (so
far…there will be more) that explores the underappreciated role of insulin in driving chronic illness in
the industrialized world, and why a myopic focus solely on blood glucose has blinded us to a much more
insidious and widespread problem. (Click here for an editorial I co-authored with Dr. Jason Fung on the topic.)
Within the insulin series, I
honestly love all the posts, but if I
had to pick favorites, I’d say they are part 6 (in
which I wrote about the concept of “TOFI” – thin outside, fat inside, and how being “thin” does not mean someone is immune to the
horrible consequences of chronically elevated insulin); part 3 (in
which I wrote about the underappreciated role of glucagon in problems with blood sugar regulation, inspired by this video, which is absolutely
worth your time to watch when you have 45 minutes to spare); and part 2 (in
which I wrote about associations causal relationships between chronic
hyperinsulinemia and/or hyperglycemia and a whole slew of health issues:
hypertension, heart disease, PCOS, erectile dysfunction, kidney disease, gout, poor
eyesight, and inner-ear and balance disorders (e.g., vertigo, tinnitus,
Ménière’s disease), which are typically
deemed “idiopathic,” meaning no one knows what causes them. (Um, I think we do
now.) Really, though all 8 parts are worth reading, if I do say so myself.
An eye-opening look at the
not-at-all surprising link between statin drugs and increased risk for type 2
diabetes. (Sneak peek: in addition to lowering cholesterol [which is
problematic in itself], statins interfere with synthesis of special proteins
required for proper pancreatic beta-cell function. Nice, huh?) I will probably write a scathing post covering new and even
more terrible things I’ve learned about statins since writing this one, but if
you want to go straight to the source on the new stuff, this paper will make you furious. (Email me if you’d like the full text.)
A science-heavy (sort of)
series covering exactly what it says – the metabolic theory of cancer. (That
is, the idea that cancer is not caused by genetic mutations, but rather, by
metabolic aberrations stemming from rampant mitochondrial dysfunction.) This
series contains lots of explanations of biochemical processes. If you prefer my
rants, this is not for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for
plain-English explanations of some semi-high-level biochemical “stuff,” this is
guaranteed to blow your mind a bit.
Within the cancer series, my
favorite posts are Aerobic Fermentation (a.k.a. “The Warburg Effect”), Glycolysis Run Amok & Mutant Hexokinase, Mutations Vs, Mitochondria (my personal #1), and Cancer as a Protective Mechanism. Unfortunately, if you don’t have at least a little
steeping in the biology of cancer cells, you’ll have to start at the beginning and progress through the series in order. But it’s
totally worth the price of admission, I promise! (And considering admission is
free, you are actually making out like a bandit on this deal!)
My speculation on why some people
coast through life never having to give a thought to body weight regulation,
while others (like me!) seem to
accumulate second chins and extra-large saddlebags just looking at a cupcake. Why are there people who seemingly don’t gain
body fat no matter what or how much they eat, while others seemingly can’t not gain body fat, even when they “eat
less and move more?” Why, oh WHY, is
getting to and maintaining a lean physique completely effortless for some, and
so, so damn hard for others? (But I’m
not bitter or anything…) ;D
The phrase “calories out” is
too often used to encompass only the
calories that are “burned” during deliberate exercise or low-level physical
activity, rather than the myriad biochemical processes over which we have no conscious control, and which are
responsible for expending the vast majority of calories we burn energy
our bodies use. When we put body weight regulation down to eating less and exercising more – that is, taking in less energy than we expend through deliberate physical activity – we completely
ignore the massive amount of energy our bodies expend just to keep us alive,
whether we’re running a marathon or lying on the sofa. Why do some people’s
bodies seem to use so much more energy for the unconscious processes than
others’? That is, why are some people’s basal metabolic rates so much higher
than others’? It’s not only about having more skeletal muscle mass. Something else
is at work, and until we acknowledge this and find ways to address it, many
attempts at forcing fat loss in the
short term (by eating less and moving more) will fail in the long term.
A deep-dive (a.k.a.
extra-long post) into the concept of vitamin J. (Spoiler alert: it’s joy.) You can have the most pristine
diet, the most hardcore workout program, a stockpile of fancy-schmancy
super-expensive supplements, walk barefoot on the grass, wear special
light-blocking goggles at night to help entrain your circadian rhythm better,
and guess what? None of that matters if you hate your life. I could say more,
but, well…just read the post if you have been trying—and failing—to “fix” your
life solely by addressing your health and physique. Contrary to what we hear
via social media, there’s more to life than avoiding carbs and vegetable oils.
As I reiterated in my epic year-end rant about strict ketogenic diets, some folks use these terms
interchangeably, and they’re not interchangeable. There are important distinctions,
and while some people might argue this is merely semantics, in my estimation,
lumping these two approaches together as if they’re the same is leading to
problems when people try to follow these diets over the long term, or when particular
circumstances necessitate tweaks and changes in application.
A shorter and much lighter
version of the aforementioned keto rant. Contrary to what some might believe,
there are, in fact, human beings who can consume potatoes, fruit, legumes, and
grains without becoming diabetic, obese, infertile, depressed, or keel over
immediately from a heart attack. Really, there
My thoughts on why the
backlash against low carb high fat diets is not based in science, but rather,
in the prudish and puritanical attitudes we have in the U.S. toward rich,
fatty, succulent animal foods. Can you imagine an Italian turning his nose up
at prosciutto? A Spaniard saying no to a sizzling chorizo, with a chunk of
manchego cheese on the side? Or a Greek man passing up a nice, juicy piece of
roasted lamb leg in favor of fat-free feta? Please.
Some of the backlash against low carb diets comes from people who are still
brainwashed by the low fat, healthywholegrains “thing,” and who avoid fatty
animal foods for ostensible health reasons, but in my opinion, it’s much more a
product of people simply not being able to wrap their heads around the idea
that it’s neither sinful nor downright deadly to indulge in the delicious flesh
of a dead animal.
Honorable Mentions:
Why do so many medical
professionals either ignore the stunning efficacy of low-carb diets, or worse,
actively warn patients against
implementing this potentially lifesaving nutritional strategy? Do they ever
feel like failures when patient after patient only continues to get worse, and
requires ever-increasing doses of medications with dangerous side-effects? Do
they ever stop to wonder why their
patients’ health deteriorates? Do they assume patients don’t follow their advice, rather than
stopping to question if maybe the advice, itself, is the problem? (There was a follow-up post as well, in which I pointed out that many of the physicians
who use low carb and ketogenic diets in their practices have come to do so
after trying to get healthy or lose weight with the conventional advice themselves,
and failing.)
An exploration of the
structure and function of the entire digestive tract, north-to-south, from the
brain to the bunghole. (No, the brain is
not technically part of the digestive tract, but it’s definitely a player in
what, when, and how much we eat, and how well we do or do not digest what we eat.) Ever wonder just what the heck your gallbladder is for, or what your pancreas does aside from
helping to regulate blood sugar? This is your chance to find out. I cover it all:
leaky gut
(and the connection to autoimmune conditions), hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid, and why antacids are a terrible idea, because stomach acid is good for you), constipation (and its
connections to depression), and more!
Some of my very first posts,
from back in 2012!
Saturated, monounsaturated,
polyunsaturated. What do these terms mean, and what are the implications for the different fats we should favor for hot applications
versus cold applications, and which oils we might want to avoid ever eating. (Sneak peek: there’s a
reason you never see recipes calling for deep-frying anything in flaxseed oil,
and you don’t make salad dressings with beef tallow.) Also: what, exactly, are trans fats, and why are they so undesirable
in the food supply? And omega-6 & omega-3s – where do these terms come from? What do those
numbers mean? I go through all of that and more! (Gets a little technical,
especially in the post about trans
fats, but if you’d like a good layman’s intro to the chemistry of this stuff
[or need help falling asleep], this will be up your alley.)
P.S. Did I miss anything? Do you have a favorite post I didn't mention? Are you a fan of the food label posts? Did you like the explanation of being in ketosis versus being fat-adapted?
Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition and is not to be used
as a substitute for the care and guidance of a physician. Links in this post
and all others may direct you to amazon.com, where I will receive a small
amount of the purchase price of any items you buy through my affiliate links.
Long-time reader, first-time commenter. I have learned a lot about nutrition in the time that I've read your blog, and wanted to thank you for delivering that knowledge in a writing style that I greatly enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI know that some of the comments people have made on here were not the nicest, but rest assured that there are plenty of people like me that appreciate your insights and hope you keep on doing so.
P.S. I am a big fan of the food label posts! I think it's because I often find myself doing the same at a grocery store, and -- much like your blog slogan -- trying to find the good stuff "in the sea of nutritional madness."
Thanks! You made my day. I'm glad you came out of lurkerdom to leave such a nice comment. :)
DeleteAn item on the Montreal news last night. It will only take five years to impliment changes in labelling.
Corinne Voyer of the Quebec Coalition on Weight-Related Problems said this is a prudent move since most foods produced in Canada have added sugar.
She wishes, however, that companies would work faster to use the new labels, which are only required to be in place by 2021
I have to agreee that " ITIS – It’s the Insulin, Stupid" is my favourtie post too. As you know Canada is making changes to its food guidelines.
DeleteI wrote to Sonia Sidhu who is a member of the committee asking this question ".Do you think changes in the guidelines will reflect enough change to benefit diabetics? "
The current recommended minimum intake for carbohydrates is not less than 130 g/day, which in my opinion. is way too high.
My main concerns is that I am lead to believe that dieticians must follow the Canada Food Guidelnes for people who have diabetes.
My husband was prescribed a high carbohydrate diet of 60% from the time he was diagnosed in 1967 to the time of his death in 2013.
Ms. Sidhu replied to me as follows;
"As co-chair of the all-party Diabetes Caucus, a former diabetes educator, and the Member of Parliament for Brampton South – I can say categorically that we need to do more on this issue.
I will discuss some of these suggestions with my colleagues at the next meeting of the all-party Diabetes Caucus and also at Health Committee when the topic arises."
Hope there may be some light at the end of the tunnel after all.
Hey Amy,
ReplyDeleteI've been digging nutrition for some years now and decided to switch careers. A scientist by training I am now studying for becoming a nutritionist. What can I say...your blog is a huge help. You keep me going when the learning materials are about to make me reconsider my decision..., since it is very much based on promoting official guidelines (high carb, no fat, reduce consumtion of animal foods...). I love your humor, the explanations and your open-mindedness. Many thanks for this awesome resource. All the best
I really loved your cancer series. It was SO eye-opening for me! Coming from a family with quite a bit of history of cancer, it gave me so much more information than I ever thought possible.
ReplyDeleteI also love all your posts that keep us off the "carrot train to crazytown". :)
Gonna get sappy here... Your blog is like a rock, a foundation, that I have built so much of my nutritional understanding from, and I will always be eternally grateful!
:D Awwa, thank you! I'm so glad my blog has been educational.
DeleteI'm looking forward to reading these posts, as I've been around here a year or so, but I wanted to say, Darn it! I'm so sorry you're having dark days again. I know how badly that sucks. : (
ReplyDeletewishing you total healing soon ~ Tracy
Thanks, Tracy. I've recently started on some medication that seems to be helping. It's going to take some time for me to identify my optimal/most effective dose, but there have already been a few pinpricks of light in an otherwise very longstanding, deep, and immense darkness. So the fact that I've had *any* better moments at all is promising, as this is more than I've had for the last two and a half years or so. I'm not feeling all that great just yet, but I'm hopeful and optimistic for the first time in way too long. :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your blog!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear things are getting better; that is quite the challenge. I am also enjoying your Alzheimer's book, which helps keep me on the straight and narrow.
My friends tease me that like my beloved kitties, I am an "obligate carnivore." Low carb eating has been an incredibly important tool in my own health challenges, and you are one of my favorite writers on the subject.
Don't stop :)
:D Thanks! Always love hearing from happy readers. I think I, too, am an obligate carnivore. I actually love vegetables very much and probably could be a vegetarian if I had to, but I know I feel (and look!) better when I eat adequate animal protein. But even when I was a kid, I loved the veg most kids tend to hate: broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus. Didn't even have to be roasted with bacon fat or with balsamic vinegar, hehheh. I liked them plain just fine, and still do. I don't know if I would "miss" meat if I gave it up, but I do know I fare better with a good amount of animal foods.
DeletePet those kitties for me! I love cats, but live in a rented house now with housemates, and no pets are allowed. :(
Thank you SO much for your last blogpost. I very much needed it. Much of it I had in the back of my mind but I thought it was just me (and Dr. A.). Please keep telling us things like that. You rants are VERY helpfull. Thank you.