Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the delay in new
blog posts. (But hopefully the cute picture of the eggs on the previous post makes you smile when you see it.)
There’s a reason I haven’t
posted anything new in the last couple of weeks. I’m redoing the site and it’s
best if I don’t add anything new until the transition is complete. Sometime in
the next week or two, the site will look completely different. Don’t be
confused! You’ll be in the right place, even if everything is unfamiliar. It’ll
take me a while to settle on colors and fonts that I like, so you might
continue to see some changes there until I’m happy with the appearance, but
since I don’t want to keep you (or me!) waiting on new posts, I’m going to go
for it and sort out the details later. As much as I’d like everything to be
pretty and shiny and well-organized right away, if the rest of my life is any
indication, making things pretty, shiny, and well-organized is not my forte, so if I’m going to wait
for that to happen, you all are going
to be waiting a looong time for new
posts. And since writing is my forte
(or so I’m told)—not to mention I like
doing it and sharing with you all the cool things I learn—I might as well
just jump into the new setup and take you all with me without waiting for
things to look perfect.
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s
in store on the site in general, and the blog, specifically. Some of the blog
posts will happen sooner rather than later, but they all will happen eventually. (Sadly, it’s looking like
another entire year will pass before
I crank out another post in the series on the metabolic theory of cancer.)
Coming up:
The site in general:
More & better content
I’ve been wanting to make my
site more content-heavy for a long time. Right now, it’s really just my blog.
As it is now, my site is not a good resource for people who are brand new to
low-carb eating. I constantly send people to dietdoctor.com (especially the food lists), Ketogenic Diet Resource, and
Dr. Ted Naiman’s site, Burn Fat Not Sugar.
And as much as I like sending traffic there and not reinventing the wheel, it
would be nice if I had my own “get
started” guide for all this, written the way I would want someone to explain it to me if I were new to this. So
among the things I’ll be adding over time are food lists, guides to macros
(protein, fat, carbs), a low carb & keto FAQ, myths and truths about
ketones and why (and why NOT) to
measure them, and more.
Podcast Repository
Links to all the podcasts
I’ve done. I did a few podcasts a couple years back, but now that my book is
out, I’ve done the electronic equivalent of a book tour, with my podcast
interviews now in the double digits. I’ll create a page where they’re cataloged
and linked to for easy access.
Ads – Maybe
I don’t know if I’ll have any
ads other than the ones I already have for Amazon, Netrition, and Vital Choice.
I might add an affiliate or two if I come across products I truly believe in.
I’m a little torn, though. I don’t want to turn any of you off or become some
kind of shill where there are so many ads it’s difficult to find the content you actually care about. That being
said, I know you, my dear readers, understand that I am trying to make a
living, and if I can get a couple cents here and there from the sale of something
you would have bought anyway, well,
that seems non-shady to me. And maybe you’ll find out about a product you weren’t going to buy, but only because
you didn’t know it existed, but once you find out about it, you might want to
give it a try. I dunno. It’s a fine
balance—providing useful content and actually paying my rent, but not
monetizing every square inch of blog real estate and having more pop-ups than
there is useful stuff that doesn’t bug the sh*t out of you.
Blog posts:
Soooo many blog post ideas
simmering away in my brain!
Yes, this is how it works. I
get an idea, and I want to write about it NOW, but I know it has to percolate
for a while before it coalesces into something coherent that I can start
jotting down. Some posts exist as bulleted lists in my mind for months before they get written. In no
particular order, since I don’t know which of these I’ll finish writing first,
here are the ones that are in the percolating stage now, making their way
slowly into very rough drafts on my trusty seven-year-old laptop:
Thyroid. Thyroid, ThYrOiD, THYROID!
I’ll save the juicy details
for the post, but here’s the teaser: I started thyroid medication in December
and here’s what’s happened since then: I’ve lost 15 pounds. My chronic constipation is gone. My hair no
longer falls out in clumps in the
shower or in my hairbrush. My severe, longstanding, and unremitting depression is 87% gone. This medication has been nothing short of
life-changing for me, and based on what I already knew about thyroid function,
plus the presentation of many clients who’ve come to me, thyroid hypofunction
is insanely under-diagnosed and when
it is diagnosed, the vast majority of
MDs (including endocrinologists) have NO FREAKING CLUE how to treat it properly. There is a vast, vast amount of
suffering going on out there for NO REASON other than doctors are not savvy
enough in the details for treating thyroid, and most patients are not aware
that they need to stand up for
themselves, be their own strongest advocate, and tell their doctor that even
though they’ve been “on thyroid medication” for however many weeks, months, or
years, THEY STILL FEEL LIKE SH*T and they need a higher dose or a different type of medication! This one is gonna be good, folks.
A new look at the etiology and progression of type 2
diabetes (T2D) and obesity
(Well, new to me, anyway, and very probably new to
you, too, but some of the papers I’ll be referencing go back at least 15 years,
so it’s old news to someone.) I’ve
said this before: I learn new things about all this “stuff”—diabetes, obesity,
cancer, Alzheimer’s—all the time, and
one of the things I enjoy most about my blog is that I get to share all those
cool findings with you. I’ve always approached this blog with the idea that
I’ll write about what I want to write
about, and about what fascinates me, and
not about what’s most popular at any given time, or what garners the most
clicks & shares. (There’s a reason there’s almost nothing in the archives
on adrenal fatigue and very, very little on gluten and the gut biome.) The fact
that there are strangers out there who want to read what I’ve written still kind of blows my mind. I’m not sure
I’ll ever get used to that. Anyway, I’ve learned some very interesting things
about how obesity and T2D develop – things that have made me rethink some of
what I thought I understood about these. My understanding wasn’t wrong, but it
was incomplete. Things are more fleshed out now, including an understanding of
how/why higher-carb, low-fat diets can actually work for weight loss and
reversing T2D. (I still think low carb is more effective and just plain better, especially for long-term
compliance and maintenance, but I at least “get” why low fat could work, if someone prefers to go
that route. Shocking, I know! ;-) Hint: as much as we might like to think it
is, it’s not all about carbs.)
What if we’ve been wrong ... about everything?
For those of you not on
Twitter and Facebook, there’s a growing community of people experimenting with
(and thriving on) “zero-carb” diets.
This little factoid alone should make us question much of what we think we know
about human nutrition. Yes, even those of us in the low-carb and keto crowd.
Sure, we’ve come to understand that we don’t need any—let alone a lot of—whole
grains or fruit. And the Paleo folks know that as much as we low-carbers love
our butter, cheese, and heavy cream, mankind can live just fine without dairy.
And I think all of us get that chia seeds, goji berries, and spirulina are not “superfoods” that provide a ride on
the express train to immortality and everlasting health. But what about the other
stuff some of us still hold dear? Don’t we need fiber? Don’t we need leafy
greens? Don’t we need fermented foods? What about the gut biome?! Won’t you die from scurvy if you don’t get copious
amounts of vitamin C every single day …
and even after you die, you should be
buried with some orange juice in case there’s none in the afterlife, right? Right? This one’s gonna be fun.
How to Reduce Dietary Fat on a Ketogenic or Low-Carb
Diet (and Why You Might Want to)
Nutshell version: as much as
we wish it were true, it is not, in
fact, true that as long as you keep carbs low you can eat as much fat as you
want. I’ve lost count of how many inquiries I’ve had from people who are
struggling to lose fat on a low-carb or ketogenic diet “despite” eating 80%
fat, or “despite” drinking coffee or tea loaded with butter and coconut oil.
Those of you who’ve been around these parts for a while know I’m not allowed to
keep mayonnaise in my house. Why? Because I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t eat unlimited fat and expect to
lose body fat. Some fat, yes. Gorging
on it in order to arrive at some magical ketogenic ratio upwards of 75+% fat?
Nope. Nope, nope, nopity-nope.
Dining Out on a Low-Carb or Ketogenic Diet
I’m not sure why folks find
this difficult or confusing. For someone like me, who is overwhelmed by
infinite choices and suffers from a pathological inability to make even small,
semi-meaningless decisions (like what to order at a restaurant), low-carb
actually makes ordering easier,
because at some restaurants, 65% of the menu is automatically off limits. The
less I have to choose from, the easier it is for me make a choice. (If you are wired the same way, this book will be of great interest—and comfort—to
you. You’re not the only one!) My friend “Woo” just wrote about this. My post will be similar (substitute non-starchy
vegetables for grains and starchy side dishes), but with a bit more detail on
specific choices at various ethnic restaurants and how to avoid inadvertently consuming a ton of sugar from sauces and marinades.
Book Review: The
Case Against Sugar, by Gary Taubes
You know if Gary Taubes
writes a book, I’m gonna read it! After all, his tour-de-force, Good Calories, Bad Calories, was the
first place I’d ever read about a connection between glucose, insulin, and
Alzheimer’s, and you all know where that
little tidbit led. ;D This latest book was…well, it was equal parts
fascinating, educational, and infuriating.
Why infuriating? Well, Taubes goes back a few centuries—centuries—to show us that doctors in the
1600s and 1700s had already recognized that sugar was up to no good in terms of
people’s health and their body weight. Taubes points out that many of the “modern”
or “Western” diseases, or “diseases of civilization” actually started to pop up
in the 17th and 18th centuries – long before there were
soybean and corn oils, long before GMOs, grain-fed meats, pesticides, EMF, no
cars, no TVs, cell phones or computers, or anything
else that is typically used as the scapegoat for obesity and type-2
diabetes. But what there was, was sugar—large amounts of it for the first time
in human history. (Not counting fruit and small amounts of honey.) Doctors from
way back then had already recognized that people who were becoming very
overweight, had gout, joint pain, and diabetes were all eating a lot of sugar.
All of those conditions were once the sole purview of royalty—because they were
the only ones who could afford sugar. And it was recommended that rail-thin
women who wanted a fuller figure should drink sugar water, because it was known
that sugar helped put weight on. HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO. (This post will be half
book review and half rant, obviously.)
Cool Find Friday
A sporadic series in which I’ll
be highlighting new and not-so-new food products I’ve found that are making my
low-carb life tastier and more enjoyable. (Kind of goes along with the post on
reducing dietary fat on a low-carb diet. Shocker: there are some low-fat salad
dressings that are not loaded with
sugar. Score!) The vast majority of
these items are things I’ve come across at the supermarket—meaning, no annoying
affiliate links in your face every time. There are a few things I’ll tell you
about that I get from Netrition, but for the most part, I’ll be sharing stuff you can get at your
regular ol’ grocery store.
Support me!
I’ll tell you about ways to
support my writing and my existence in general. (Blogging is fun, but it don’t
pay mama’s bills, yo! I did mention above that my laptop is 7 years old…)
Obviously, one of the best ways is to buy my book (even better if you buy, say, 10 copies), but there are plenty of other ways for those of you who have no
interest whatsoever in Alzheimer’s disease to send a few cents my way, some of
which require you to do nothing you aren’t already doing, except maybe doing it
in a slightly different way. (Such as using my affiliate link when you shop on Amazon.) There's also a "support my blog" button in the sidebar on the right where you can choose to send some fundage directly to me, no purchases necessary.
See you soon in the new digs!
Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, is not a physician and Tuit Nutrition, LLC, is not a
medical practice. The information contained on this site is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition and is not to be used
as a substitute for the care and guidance of a physician. Links in this post
and all others may direct you to amazon.com, where I will receive a small
amount of the purchase price of any items you buy through my affiliate links.
Thyroid. Thyroid, ThYrOiD, THYROID! Yes please .
ReplyDeleteI have had half of my parathyroid out and some of my thyroid out , and it now appears that losing weight is something someone else does . So I will be very much looking forward to this blog post.
PS very glad to hear that things are getting back on track .
Yay!! So exciting to see all the new changes and upcoming posts!! :)
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for two and a half years now and have learnt many new and interesting things, but nothing has changed my life quite as much as an almost-throw-away comment on 'zero carb' you made several months ago. I followed the link and have not looked back.
ReplyDeleteI failed countless times on Paleo because it was too liberal; trying to balance the percentages on Keto frustrated me so much I wanted to scream; but here's the weird thing, the super restrictions of the zero-carb eating plan have actually liberated me in a way I never expected! I feel so free and relaxed on the 'just eat meat, just drink water' plan - it sounds like a paradox but narrowing my focus right down to 'just meat' has actually opened up a vast world of choice in what I eat.
So yes, I look forward with great interest to you writing more on this subject.
Good luck with the web site construction. You've given us readers some amazing articles, all appreciated. If a few ads on your site help you along the way, then who are we to complain, getting all this incredible info for free. Keep up the good work Amy!!
Yay for new site. Put some ads on. I only put on products I like on my blog, so that's a fine choice :)
ReplyDeleteAmy I think you're awesome and hilarious. I found out about this blog recently and so far I'm loving it. I've been doing low carbs for a few days now so that I can reverse my pre diabetes status. Before that I was just counting calories and doing IF. I lost 15 lbs before going on a low carbs diet and I'm excited to see how much more weight I lose.
ReplyDeleteAnyways I totally think you should add more ads if it'll help financially empower you.